Chapter 22: The Mehndi

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"With His mercy
Let's start our new story"

Never in a million years I thought that one day I would sit dressed as a mehndi bride again. I have made peace with myself that I'll never get married. I'll never let anyone in my heart again. I will never give anyone else a chance to tarnish my self esteem again. I made walls around my heart. I made it sure to never even think about marrying again. I know that it has hurt me enough and don't want to feel the same pain and agony again. I chose to stay single. I chose to stay the way things have turned out for me. But as I always said fate has a lot in store for all of us. We can never know what can happen in another moment as it's always going to be a mystery. Allah has something else planned for all of us. Now that I think about everything I know one thing for sure that I would have never agreed to marry if not for the conversation I shared with my mother at the night when be proposed me.

As soon as he left I locked myself in my room. Sliding down the door I don't know why I was crying this hard for. But I know one thing that I have to let it all out at once. I'm tired to keep all my emotions pent up inside the depths of my heart. It's like locking a secret in a safe and than throwing the key in the midst of moving ocean, so that the secret can never reveal itself. That's how I felt when I refuse to let out my emotions. I kept them buried inside my heart. I placed my head on my knees and just sat there crying, not making a sound just letting the tears fall. I don't know how long I sat there but it would be long enough as I felt my legs numb. I decided to stand up and pull myself together. Throwing the dupatta away somewhere on the bed or floor,I went inside the bathroom. As I take a look at myself in the mirror I see a broken woman looking back at me. Her eyes were hallow and swollen from crying so hard. Hairs were tangled and skin looked pale and fragile. Taking a sigh, I splashed water on my face. Splashing twice again, I pat my face from the towel. Getting out of the bathroom I came out in my room, I heard a knock at my door. Wrapping a dupatta on my body I answered the door. Mama stood in front of me. As soon as she saw me, she came inside my room and I locked it. I noticed that she has a tray of food in her hand. She placed it at my table and sat down on the bed. I stood still not moving until I heard her
"Hareem idhar aou mere pas".
(Hareem come here to me)
I walked upto her and placed my head on her lap. She started to ran her hands in my hair and I quietly enjoyed the warmth it was giving me. I felt so at ease that I closed my eyes wishing for sleep to engulf me. But before I the slumber could embrace me I heard her voice
"Beta have you decided anything?" I knew she would ask me this. I shook my head being honest with her. She continued
"I will not pressure you into anything. But Rohaan is a really nice guy. He is very well mannered and he is the son of your beloved phupho. Your phupho loves you. I know her since she was just a teenager. Your baba loved her like his own daughter. She has brought up her children so well that I doubt you'll have any complications in marriage. Rohaan will always keep you happy Beta. He will always be your side".
I listened to her carefully and I can't disagree with her. Phupho and I have a bond like no other. She's just like my friend. I believe her. But I can't help but voice out my thoughts
"Mama what if he changes?.. what will.... happen after marriage....if he decides to leave know what happened before. I don't want it to happen again". She hugged me as I felt vulnerable. She patted my back and said
"Hareem let's do the istikhara. Allah will answer us with His mercy. You can do one and I'll do one too". Her suggestion worked as I felt light headed like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I nodded my head and decided to do it tonight itself.

"Mubarak hu Warisha. I'm so happy".
(Congratulations Warisha)
Dado said as Mama and phupho revealed the news of us getting married. He was sitting two seats away from me and mouthed a 'thank you' in my direction. I just nod my head not knowing how to answer him. The date was finalized and everyone broke into a chorus of 'alhumdulliah' as everyone hugged me and him giving us their blessings.
I wish this time things will work out.
Flashback ends.

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