Chapter 21: His proposal

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"The hell will break loose
Before I let you go"

I don't know what came over me when I told her that I have something serious to talk about. I don't know what I was thinking, but one things was sure. That whoever, guy he was, his presence around her infuriated me to no bounds. The way he was gazing at her it messed with my brain. I know I shouldn't be feeling like that. I'm not anything to her. Neither I have ever told her about my feelings, but I think now is the time that I should take action. Its a do and die situation now. I've let her go once and I'm not going to do it again.

She deserves better!

Reaching home I parked my car hastily and climbed out of it in a hurry. I walked rapidly towards the house and once I entered inside I released a deep breath. Calming my senses down I headed to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. Gulping it in one go, I placed the glass back on the countertop. I decided to go to my room, but I heard some commotion coming from Nana's house. I peeked inside and saw that everyone was inside while he laid listening to everyone chattering around him. Mama looked at me and said

"Come inside Rohaan. Look your Nana Jan is here."

I smiled at her and walked further in the room. I bent down in his direction and he ran a slight hand over my head. I asked him

"Are you okay? You're feeling any pain?". Shaking his head he put my worries to rest. Mami asked me

"Beta you've dropped her?" I nodded in her direction and she told Nana Jaan that she has been with her friend. I stood there lost in my thoughts and I could see that Mama noticed the change in attitude. She was glancing at me from time to time. Nano seemed to understand me as she said

"Beta tum aram karlo. Jab se aye hu masroof hu"
(Child you should go rest. You've been busy since you came)

I nodded at her and left the room to go on the rooftop to get some fresh air. I rested my hands onto the railings and inhaled a deep breath. I don't know what to do now. I mean, I know what to do but I don't know how to do. I think my brain is just messed up as me. Releasing a breath, I held my head in my hands. My inner turmoil was broken when I heard my phone ring. I looked at the id and it was Hamdan. They both couldn't come as they couldn't get any flights. I immediately answered his call as I needed someone to listen to me.

"Assalamualaikum how is Dada Abbu? Is he at home?". I answered

"Yeah he was discharged today evening and is completely fine alhumdulillah".

I heard him muttering the same on the other hand. I kept quiet for a while, not finding words to describe him my situation. In the end he just said

"What has gotten you so troubled?" His question surprised me as how well he knows me. Even at a phone call he can understand if I'm troubled or not. I sighed and muttered

"Hareem". Her name, it sounded foreign on my tongue. Like I'm not supposed to take it. Hamdan sighed too at the other hand and asked me again

"What about her?" I groaned and said
"I think it's time now. I think I should just do it".

Hamdan hummed at the other hand and I waited for him to say something. When he chose to stay quiet even after a few seconds, I huffed

"Don't say silent. What is this hmm?" I asked exasperated. He sighed at the other hand like he was done with me. He again said

"What's so hard about it? Just say the truth to her or your mother. You're close to her. She'll understand you".

His words knocked some senses in my brains which decided to die a while ago. Why did I never think of it before? I hummed and asked

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