Chapter Thirty-Eight

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||The Mountain and the Viper||

"I made a deal for you to keep your ungrateful little head on your neck a little while longer." Jaime spoke, furious with his brother as he paced around in his cell.

"I'm sorry, what am I grateful for?" Tyrion asked, "Guys.." Zephyr tried but was cut off.

"The opportunity to live and die at the wall as punishment for a crime I did not commit?" Tyrion had his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the familiars walls of his cell.

"You threw your life away. It's not a joke, you understand that, right?"  Jaime told him.

"Of course it's a joke, just not a very funny one." Tyrion glanced at his niece who tried to break up their argument. "I couldn't listen to her, standing there, telling her lies. I couldn't do it."

"You fell in love with a whore." Jaime looked at his brother in disgust.

"Yes. And I was stupid enoughh to think that she had fallen in love with me." Tyrion looked down in shame.

"That deal you made, it was everything father wanted. You do see that? He gets you back as his heir, The future Lord of the Rock." Tyrion told Jaime who sat down next to Zephyr. "And he ships me off to castle black, out of sight at last. All so perfect. It felt good to take that from him. He knows I'm innocent and he's willing to sacrifice me anyways."

"He's willing to sacrifice any of us." Jaime said, "Not you." Tyrion retorted.

"Nor Zephyr. You're the golden son. You could kill a King, lose a hand, fuck your own sister. You'll always be the golden son. And Zephyr's finally Queen. He has hope for her to rule properly, unlike her father. He thinks he can still manipulate this sweet girl into agreeing to everything he says."

"Careful." Jaime warned his brother. "We're the last friends you've got."

After a moment of short lived silence, Tyrion spoke again, "At least I got to tell them what they really are."

"Yes, brilliant speech. They'll be talking about it for days to come. I thought you were a realist. Didn't realize you'd die for pride, uncle." Zephyr spoke, seeming tired of all that's happened.

"Don't give up on me just yet. I survived one trial by combat, even though you weren't there to save me." Tyrion said to Jaime.

"I can't save you this time either. My training has proved that I can't beat a stable boy with my left hand." Jaime explained, seeing the look of disbelief on both Tyrion and Zephyr's face.

"Where's your sense of adventure? Even if you lose, imagine the look on father's face when you fall." They both chuckled, "Our family name snuffed out with a single swing of the sword."

"It is tempting." Jaime said as they chuckled again while Zephyr shook her head, smiling at the two brothers.

Then they stopped and their faces went from giggling to solemn ones.

"Well... Bronn fought for me once. He'll do it again. If he wins, I expect I'll be in his debt for the rest of my life." Tyrion said.

"If he wins." Jaime said, not knowing if he actually might win.

"Will you find him for me?" Tyrion asked Jaime, who nodded.

"Who does your mother plan on naming as champion? I hope it's Ser Meryn Trant. I'd enjoy watching Bronn disembowel that pompous child beater." Tyrion asked.

"No. Not Ser Meryn." Zephyr told her uncle.

~Game of Thrones~

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