Chapter Nine

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||A Golden Crown||

Zephyr Baratheon, the princess and daughter of King Robert Baratheon. Quite a title, huh? It sounds powerful, almost fear inflicting, yet the young princess herself did not feel that way whatsoever. 

She wasn't as cunning and sly as her mother Cersei, and neither was she a true brave warrior like her father Robert. She was just Zephyr. Named after a gentle breeze. Sometimes she'd wonder why she was named after a breeze, so gentle that no one would think twice about it.

On other days, she felt immense and overwhelming pride. No one thought twice about Zephyr Baratheon. The beautiful Princess, Black of hair, gentle and kind features and deep brown eyes which held an unimaginable amount of kindness. But that was also her facade. An impression she makes on everyone, and when the time comes, her enemies will never know what hit them.

It had been a few hours since her and Ned Stark's stunt in the small council chamber. Apparently, her uncle Jaime had skewered his leg and that Catelyn Stark had abducted her other uncle, Tyrion.

Saying it was a mess would be an understatement, this was chaotic and chaos over a family that would do anything for their family was war.

Her father would go hunting on this day with Ser Barristan and his brother Renly as well as his squire, Lancel Lannister. Killing clears his mind, he says. Considering the events that had been taking place however, Zephyr was in no mood whatsoever to do anything or even leave her room for that matter.

Unfortunately for her, her mother had different plans when she came right into her room, swinging open the curtains letting all the sunlight in.

"Wake up, my little dove." Cersei called as she saw her daughter still in bed. When she didn't respond Cersei let out a sigh, knowing she was as stubborn as her father.

"Since when do you consider me as your little dove again?" Zephyr said in a sour tone as she turned to face the Queen.

"You will always be my little dove." Cersei told the princess as she gently stroked a strand of hair out of her face. As she did so, Zephyr could see a bruise on her left cheek and panicked. Her sudden actions started Cersei herself until Zephyr gently took hold of her face, examining the bruise. "Did father do this??

"He did, my dove." Cersei sighed, holding both of her daughter's hands. "It doesn't matter though."

"Yes, it does!" Zephyr insisted. She knew for a fact that her parents hadn't fought in years. "What did he hurt you for?"

"Well, you know how men are when they feel that their ego and pride are being insulted." Cersei simply said. "I want you to walk with me today. While your father is out hunting, I imagined we could spend the day together."

Zephyr was taken aback by this, especially because they hadn't walked around the garden for years now, but she also wasn't going to complain. Zephyr agreed to this and once she was dressed and all ready to go, the two women went outside and into the garden.

"When was the last time we've walked this path together? I can hardly remember it now." Cersei said, taking in a deep breath.

"Nine years ago. You would always bring me here when you knew that I was upset." Zephyr reminded her mother, a smile growing on her face as she remembered the time they shared here together.

Cersei noticed this and a smile of her own grew on her lips. She almost forgot why she listened to Jaime and kept this girl. She was a perfect mix of herself and Robert, but she was also very different.

"Did father go hunting today because of what happened during the small council meeting yesterday?" Zephyr asked her mother, anxiety evident in her deep eyes.

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