Chapter Thirty

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||Walk of Punishment||

Zephyr stood right next to her Grandfather, Tywin Lannister in the small council chambers. It's been far too long since she had last seen him before his return to King's Landing, and she could not be happier. However, she did have some concerns. Was the war against the North going to be won? Was Jon Snow safe and alive on the wall? Would Tywin let his granddaughter marry a Tyrell? She feared the answer would currently be a no.

The princess snapped back into reality when she noticed that Lord Baelish, Lord Varys and Grand Maester Pycelle had arrived, seemingly uncomfortable and awkward. She then heard a set of footsteps approaching, and it revealed themselves to be Tyrion Lannister, who smiled at his father.

It was still awkwardly silent as Zephyr and Tywin sat down. A short awkward moment later the group realized what was going on so Baelish rushed to sit next to the princess, whom Varys gave a look that said 'Bitch wtf-' before he and the others went to sit by the table as well.

Then Cersei, the Queen Regent walked into the room.

Alright, what the hell is going on?

Cersei then carried the chair next to Pycelle all the way over to her father's so she could sit on his right. Mind you, there was still an awkward silence. Tyrion then dragged the last chair to the other end of the table, slowly and annoyingly, knowing he'd get under most of the people there skins and finally sat down.

"Intimate. Lovely table." Tyrion commented. "Better chairs than the old small council chamber. Conveniently close to your own quarters. I like it."

"What news of Jaime?" Tywin asked. No one answered but shifted uncomfortably.

"20 000 unwashed Northerners have known about his escape for weeks. You control more spies and informants than the rest of the world combined. Do you mean to tell me that none of you has any notion of where he is?" Tywin stated, growing frustrated.

"We are trying, my lord." Varys told him.

"Try harder." Tywin retorted. "What do we have then?"

"Robb Stark and most of his bannermen are in Riverrun for the funeral of his Grandfather Lord Hoster Tully. In Stark's absence, Rouse Bolton holds Harrenhal, which would seem to make him Lord of Harrenhal, in practice, if not in name." Varys explained.

"Well let him have it. The name suits our purposes far more than that useless pile of rubble. The Lord of Harrenhal will make a worthy suitor for the widow Arryn." Tywin stated.

"For which I am extremely grateful to you, my Lord. Lady Arryn and I have known each other since we were children. She has always been positively predisposed toward me." Lord Baelish said, which made Zephyr share a glance with Varys and Tyrion that said 'What the fuck'.

"A successful courtship would make Lord Baelish acting Lord of the Vale." Pycelle went off.

"Titles do seem to breed titles." Baelish said.

"You'll leave for the Eyrie as soon as possible." Tywin spoke, "And bring Lysa Arryn into the fold. Then the young wolf can add his own aunt to the list of people who have taken up arms against him."

"Far be it from me to hinder true love," Tyrion spoke up "but Lord Baelish' absence would present certain problems. The royal weddings may end up being the most expensive events in living memory. Summer has ended, hard days lie ahead. Not a good time to leave the crown's finances unattended."

"Fully agreed." Tywin said. "Which is why I'm making you master of coin." He told Tyrion.

"Master of coin?" Tyrion asked as Cersei scoffed.

"It would appear to best suits your talents." Tywin said.

"I'm quite good at spending money, but a lifetime of outragous wealth hasn't taught me much about managing it." Tyrion tried to talk hisfather out of his decision. 

"I have no doubt you will prove equal to this challenge" Cersei said to her brother, "Hear, hear." Pycelle cheered.

~Game of Thrones~

"Princess. I was wondering when you'd show up." Lord Baelish greeted Zephyr in the empty throne room, making his loud and annoying voice echo.

"You're being a suspicious little rat again, Lord Baelish. What is this about?" Zephyr asked him. It was unusal. He was her friend, yes. But he'd never ask her to meet him in private, ever. Normally he'd just be extremely spontanous about their meetings, when they happen, where and in front of who.

"You're as sharp as ever, princess." Baelish stated. "I will be leaving for the Vale soon."

"So I've heard." Zephyr furrowed her brows in slight confusion.

"I'm going to take lady Sansa with me, to the Eyrie and to her aunt." Baelish sighed, getting straight to the point.

"You're kidnapping her?" Zephyr asked even more confused now.

"No, she agreed to come with me." Baelish quickly told her, "When the day comes where we take our leave, that is the day you shall become the Queen."

"You.." Zephyr had to blink a few times to comprehend what the fuck Baelish had just told her, "You're killing the King?" She whispered.

"Not me and not directly. How would we escape otherwise?" Baelish stated.

"How do I know you're not lying to me, Petyr. For all I know you could just frame me for the murder of my own brother-"

"You're the rightful heir to the Throne, you know you are. Joffrey, Myrcella, Tommen - They're all bastards." Baelish told the princess.

"You're far better fit to rule Seven Kingdoms than Joffrey ever was. You'd be free to heed your heart and marry someone who wasn't sleeping with your uncle Renly, for example Jon Snow." He paced around the princess as he continued his statement.

It was true. She didn't want anything else other than to follow into her father's footsteps, maybe do some things differently than he did, and marry someone she truly loves.

"What must I do, Lord Baelish?" Zephyr asked after taking in a deep breath.

"All you have to do is continue doing what you've started." He spoke softly, "Your mother will have no control over you any more. You can make this world a better place once more."

"But for the world to be peaceful once more.."




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