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Tessa's POV

I move swiftly across the road, in my maid's disguise. I am wearing a sexy dress beneath with a long gown that makes me look like a maid. I am using this disguise so the security or his bodyguard can let me in.

I parked my car down the street and walked all the way here. When I see his house in view, I heave a sigh of relief. The walk down here isn't too far but I am getting tired already, probably because of the big dress I am wearing to disguise my identity and hide my weapon.

I did not tell Zoe I am coming for this. I didn't think about my plan well but I am confident it will work. All I need to do is shoot his brains out and take off. I know Damien will be home by now. I have been monitoring his movement for two days now.

I am about to move to the other side where his house is located when I see a big guy dragging someone out. She looks small but I can't see her face. She seems to be begging the big man about something. I stand as if I am a passerby so he won't notice I am watching. It is dark already. He pulls her into a car and drives off, leaving the gate open.

What a lucky coincidence, I grin wildly. 

Without wasting much of my time, I hurry to the other side and enter the gate, being alert in case someone attacks me.  

I am not letting the man from earlier bother me because I feel it has nothing to do with me. Maybe he caught his daughter with Damien and he is scolding to ground her for life or something. This is just my assumption, I don't care what the problem is.

I tiptoe closer to the front door and open it quietly. The place is dark and I can't see anything. This is when it dawns on me that I am doing the wrong thing. I didn't plan well despite knowing how dangerous Damien is. 

I am about to go outside to think my plan through when a hand clamps my mouth. I bite the hand and the person let go. I try to find my way to the door but I can't see anything.

The light comes on and I see Damien holding his hand in pain. He is standing by the door and I can't go out. I pull down my dress, leaving myself in my sexy clothes and grabbing a hold of the gun I brought with me.

I see him admiring me with a smirk on his face. "Hello, Damien."

"What are you doing here looking all sexy?"

"You don't want to know what I am here for", I move sideways pointing the gun at him. He didn't look threatening, nor did he move. I am thinking he will move back in fear, giving me time and space to stand by the door, shoot him, and run away.

"You look like you are here to kill someone", he winks at me.

My self confidences decrease suddenly. I have never done a thing like this before and I am surprised that the man before me is not looking scared. 

Can I even shoot him? Why didn't I think well before coming here?

"Yes, I am here to kill you", I shake my head to wave away the thoughts. "You humiliated me."

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