Chapter 12:: Forehead Kisses

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Author's POV: 

"You can just google about it. Why ask me?" You asked him, frowning as he stared at you, not quite convinced. 
"Google's information isn't to be trusted. Rumours exist."
"This is a..." You stopped midway, trying to find the right word, "Phenomenon. Yeah... so why would there be rumours about periods on google?" 
"I don't trust that website."
"Or do you just want me to say it?" You asked. He looked at you, quite perplexed.
"You're smart."

You sighed as he patted the area beside him on the sofa, gesturing for you to sit. You sat down and faced him, "What do you want to know?"
"And why all of a sudden?"
"For... you?" He asked. You looked at him blankly before looking away. You gulped, "Hey... look-"
"I just want to know because... I don't know. I wanted to know because you have it and I'm supposed to look after you once we're married."
You stared at him for a moment before looking down. You thinned your lips, "This is... just a monthly cycle. So, we discharge blood for a week approximately every month. That's it. Well, waist pain, stomach cramps... these also happen. And basically, women ovulate during this time. After periods, they are the most fertile." 

He nodded, looking down. 
"So it hurts a lot?"
"Quite... for different women, it's different. Plus, mood swings occur a lot." You spoke, looking completely exhausted by the thought of it. 
"So, how do you relieve the pain?"
"Ah... heat packs, essential oil. Or sometimes, massaging the belly if it hurts there?" You spoke, touching your belly and moving your palm in circles a few times before stopping. He hummed, looking at your belly for a moment. 
You gasped when you felt his warm palm come into contact with your clothed belly. You looked at him wide-eyed as he looked at you, "Does it hurt right now?" 

Your heart was already beating so loud but now it almost felt like on the verge to explode. You felt your stomach tingle where he held it. It felt so strange at first but it felt soothing as he slowly smoothed his hands over your belly. You looked into his eyes to see him staring at you with parted lips. Your hands tingled and you felt yourself being attracted to those luscious eyes even more. He was so lush, you wondered how you hadn't joined his simp fan page yet. 

You looked away quickly as he pulled back his hand.
"Uh, is there any food you eat during this time or avoid?" He asked.
"You're asking so many questions." You awkwardly said as he frowned, "Do you not want to answer me or something?" 
"It's rather awkward..." You whispered as he looked down, "Oh... did I ask too much?" 
You smiled a little, "It's okay. You didn't. Naturally, you don't know much about it. I don't like heavy food during this time. Different people have different preferences. I prefer light food and sweets a lot during this time." 

He smiled a little, looking at you. He wondered why this urge to take care of you in him was increasing. The need to live and laugh and care for someone in him was increasing badly. It was all cause of you. Concerning it, this was one of the best feelings to be there. 

—Next day

You frowned seeing so many sweet dishes on the breakfast menu. The Queen had a soft smile on her face throughout the entire morning. Was she in a good mood?
"Your Highness, did you change the menu today?" You asked her as she shook her head, "Not me. I have been in a great mood this morning, good thing whoever changed the menu did a great job. I love this." 
You nodded, waiting to see Taehyung. You wanted to start eating when he'd come. And thank goodness, he came in just at the right time, staring at you as he sat beside you.

Beside you.

You all started eating as you and Jungkook chatted a few times. The King was absent. You wondered where he was. 
"Where's His majesty?" You asked. The Queen smiled a little, looking awkward all of a sudden as Jungkook thinned his lips. You looked at Taehyung to see his hard face.
"Don't talk while eating." 
"Eat." He said as you frowned. You could sense something was wrong. Maybe pushing it further wasn't right but you felt a little sad hearing his cold tone. You looked down, continuing to eat. 
Taehyung realized he sounded too harsh as he looked at you. You didn't even look up the rest of the time anymore.

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