TWENTY THREE | Warmth of You

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"ab toh ye aalam hai."


It was the first full moon night of the year.

Under the incandescent veil of silvery hues draped over the inky sky, a gust of icy January wind rustled the dark green flag with a white vertical bar―and a crescent and a star in the middle―hoisted on a two-storey building of a Police Station located at the western district of Karachi.

Inside one of the many halls of the capacious building painted a very pale yellow, some of the uniformed policemen were immersed in their assigned duties while others were slouching around.

And on the wide mahogany desk placed in the centre of the space, sat Inspector Saif with his right foot propped on an empty wooden chair before him and left rooted to the ground.

Clothed in a white kameez shalwar with a black blazer eclipsing his torso, he was busy munching on his favourite winter nut; moongphali. Cracking open the shell with his fingers, he was about to pop another peanut in his mouth when an anxious male voice interrupted him.

"Sir, at least tell us why you've brought us here? What did we do? What's our crime?" asked one of the two men tensely perched on the other two chairs lining the desk.

Both men looked like they were in their mid-twenties; one of them had a short stature and a buzz cut while the other one was relatively taller and had a dark curly mane sitting atop his head.

Heaving out a sigh, Saif veered his head and shot a stale look at the male duo he had apprehended from the parking lot of a shopping mall earlier―on a certain someone's order.

"Kisne kaha tha bhabhi kay baray mein bukwaas karne ko?"

"Bhabhi?" They both echoed in sync, looking at each other and then turning their confusion-laced gaze to the police officer. "Whose bhabhi?"

"My bhabhi," Saif stated and then peering over their stiffened shoulders, he gestured straight ahead with his head. "And, his wife."

The duo instantly craned their necks in that direction, their gazes falling on the rugged figure of a man standing at the entrance of the room―and they immediately sprang to their feet when the realization that it was the same man they had seen earlier at the parking lot struck them.

Walked in Zain―all menacing and daunting―with his dark eyes narrowed, lips set in a bleak line, and a cold, unforgivingly cold, look shadowing his face.

"Sir!" The lower-ranked policemen present in the hall greeted him with courteous salutes but not paying heed to any of them, Zain bolted straight ahead and halted―loomed like a calamity―over the two fuckfaces standing before him with their eyes wide and tongues tethered.

The men Zain couldn't teach a lesson earlier at the mall because he didn't want to create a scene in front of Iman.

But his anger had gotten the better of him and he had texted Saif right there, the details and location of these bastards, along with the order to detain them and bring them to the Police Station where he had been posted for a while before joining the special unit.

And he was still very, very angry.

"So, you shitheads think my wife is an item?" Zain spat, raking them with his malefic eyes. "That her figu-" He chewed and swallowed back the rest of the cheap words he had heard earlier from their rotten mouths, not wanting to say them out loud.

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