TWO | Bride and Blood

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"dil mera dharka tha kass kay, kuch kaha tha tune has kay, may usi pal tera hogaya."


WOMEN are dangerous.

Zain was well aware of this fact ever since his ten-year-old self had watched his mom chase the robber who had stolen her necklace.

A crappy golden artificial necklace.

It's a gift from your dad, she had yelled driving the car maddeningly after the stealer with mini-Zain sitting in the passenger seat, witnessing the thrilling hunt.

It had ended with the poor robber's bike running out of fuel and his rage-fueled mom attacking him with her heels and retrieving her precious gift.

From that day, he always remembered to never forget this fact.

Untill tonight.

Tonight, when he had finally made his way inside the notorious mafia leader's territory even Karachi Police couldn't dare to step into, and was very close to meet the man himself so he could fulfill the task he had spent months working on; he made a terrible mistake of disregarding a woman.

The maid slash gang-woman or whatever the hell that wily brunette was, had been eyeing him up and down since the moment she had seen him. At first, Zain had overlooked her constant leering because, duh who wouldn't stare at him?

But it was only when she unexpectedly revealed his identity to her fellow gangbangers had it dawned on his thick mental horizon that he was fucked.

The act had elicited a gruesome fight; the big goons with ugly mustaches charging on his ass with murder in their eyes and weapons in their hands.

Zain wasn't a weakling; nor was he unarmed. He had done a mighty fine job sparring with the wild boars but one of them had knifed him in the chest, on the left upper side. Thanks to his quick reflexes, the dagger couldn't penetrate deep into his flesh but fucking hell did it hurt.

He had somehow managed to get out of that hell hole with his head still attached to his body but the clingy pack of crooks wasn't keen on leaving him alone. They had been on his tail.

Under the dark blanket of autumn night sky speckled with a cluster of stars and the brilliant silver orb proudly glowing among them, his wounded figure ambled through the street, his speed gradually de-escalating because of the sharp pain shooting through the stab wound.

"Dammit," he gritted out breathlessly, halting at the end of a dark alley and clutching his stinging chest. He could feel the red greasy liquid soaking his hand and his heart pounding wildly.

He couldn't even call his squad for help because he had dropped his cellphone somewhere while running this marathon to save his life. He only hoped he had lost those bloodthirsty assholes.

As if instantly jinxed, he heard the sickening rumbling of the men coming from few miles away.

"Fuck my life!" he groaned.

His legs continued the cycle of motion as he steered to the left and entered into a wider block where a white ionic hotel building stood tall with golden lights illuminating the exterior.

Zain couldn't run anymore. Not with that injury. Dragging his gaze to the far end of the space the hotel covered, he spotted a dark brick wall and without mulling over, he sprinted towards it and hurling himself up, he jumped onto the other side―landing on the parking lot.

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