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They served their purpose.

They kept Orion busy while I fought Solomon. That is all they needed to do.

Alucard was only a Espada so that I could keep him close by for when Tiamat arrived. Those 300,000,000 souls would allow me to fight her and later Gilgamesh. I had zero intention of ever keeping him in the Espada. His will was weak and his desires low. In the end he only served as a battery.

Beelzebub was the same. I needed him for his knowledge on creating monsters for scratch to help me build an army. Now that I possess that knowledge he was useless. He did not get stronger as his desire was to die. If he did get stronger than the chances of him finding that opponent would be slim to none. Making him inadequate to remain as a Espada.

So just like I did before when I found the Espada to be lacking: I removed them. Making them fight an opponent out of their league. And with them dead I have reclaimed Annihilation Maker and now have the power to fight Tiamat. So I gained more than I lost.

My battle with Solomon was fruitful. I ascended into a realm of speed that makes the concept of space irrelevant to me. All that I need to be unmatched in speed is to surpass the concept of time. Well there is no need to fret. In the end I will surpass it all.

When I absorbed his soul I was only able to gain his control of his magic power and his clairvoyance. The things I can see now is truly remarkable. I can understand why Gilgamesh chose to seal his away during his lifetime.

To look at someone and know everything about them is demoralizing. I can see every sinful deed they have committed and the ones that they have yet to commit. It disgusts me but I must bare with it. In the grand scheme of my goal it is only a small burden in comparison. I will not falter.

Speaking of comparison; Cath, Myrddin, and Morgan have finally arrived.

They kneeled before me without hesitation. The warlock being able to serve me with ease. His background of serving kings and years of being subservient showing.

"Your Majesty, we have completed the task you assigned us without fail." Spoke Morgan.

I walked up to them as I placed my hand on Cath's head and messed with his hair. What an interesting power. The power of comparison is truly worthy of one of my elites.

"I noticed. This power is truly extraordinary Cath Palug. You have showed great promise for what your future holds."

The boy preened at my words as he grinned. Proud of his achievement. As he should be. In the future he is a titan that can even compare with outer gods. That is not to say that any of the other Espada's future is any different.

I then stood before Myrddin.

"Welcome to the Espada, Myrddin Emrys. I hope you find yourself welcomed in return."

The black haired man lowered his head at my words. "Thank you, your majesty. I will not disappoint you." The hybrid promised.

In many universes he does disappoint me. The infinite versions of the entity know as Merlin in the multiverse often do fall short of my expectations. Even before I gained clairvoyance I knew this fact.

That is why I sent Morgan and Cath to him. I knew that they would be able to come to an outcome similar to this. So he will indeed not fail me. As this is Myrddin Emrys not Merlin.

"Of course."

As I said that 2 pawn pieces flew into his chest, more specifically Avalon. They invaded the utopia and broke it down. Permanently fusing it with Myrddin and allowing the hybrid to ascend to new heights. His power surpassing the current Morgan.

The half incubus breathed heavily as he took in his new power. Staring at me with awe and reverence. Eventually he calmed himself as I spoke.

"Now I have two missions for both you and Morgan"

They both straightened up at my words. Ready to fulfil any order.

"I need you both to visit Vivian. She is in possession of two weapons that will lead to our certain victory. After retrieving these weapons I need Morgan to finally become one with Vivian. With both of your positive and negative sides as one person you will reach your true potential. That is your mission"

Both of them looked troubled at my words. Myrddin because of his last interaction with Vivian and Morgan because she would essentially cease to exist. Her current self would be gone and replaced by her true self. Something she is not quite sure about.

In the end she chose to trust me. A logical conclusion. I truly only have to best in mind for this endeavor. For when the become one being she will finally be able to feel positive emotions again. Allowing her to truly live.

"If my lord wills it." With those words they warped away to complete their tasks.

Cath looked at me, waiting for his own objective.

"I have not forgotten you, Cath Palug. You are to go to Alatreon and assist him in his task. The Emperor Beast of Apocalypse has proven to be exactly as formidable as I predicted."

Cath jumped up with joy as he ran over and hugged me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is going to be so fun! And good luck with Tiamat, Lord Aizen!" Cath gushed.

I do not mind his affectionate nature but this is new to me. Well its not something that irritates me so it is fine. As a way to return his sentiment I ruffled his hair again.

"I do not need luck. Her defeat was decided since the very moment I was born." I then placed a rook piece in his hand. "Now take this to Oryx. Tell him that he has been promoted."

The child nodded with determination like he had just been given his life's purpose.

"It will be done!" With that he flicked his hand and cut open space before leaving threw said portal.

I shook my head at his enthusiasm and stepped into a completely different dimension. This space being one of my own creation. The ability of Innovate clear is to create my own world. I have done so to contain Tiamat before the arrival of those three.

I floated in the air and looked down at the primordial mother. Her rage bringing her in into a state of pure insanity. The lose of the only child that stuck with her all this time being to much for her already unstable mind to bare.

"Do not worry, Tiamat. After this you will no longer feel the pain of lose ever again. After all, you will be..."


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