How far can you Fall?

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Kokabiel: Lets have a war, sister of Devil King Sirzechs Lucifer, Rias Gremory!

The leader class fallen angel then made a magic circle that launched dozens of light spears at the group. Rias, Sona, and Akeno made barriers to protect them but dust still filled the air and when it cleared the fallen angel was no where to be seen.

IsseI: Where did he go!?

The one who answered him was a loli

Koneko: He went that way.

She pointed towards the academy

Koneko: Toward Kouh Academy...

All of them gathered at the edge of the cliff.

Issei: Those guys are really going to destroy the academy...

Sona went to speak but was interrupted by a familiar voice

Sebas: No. They said that they would start there. A leader-class fallen angel could destroy this entire town with a single light spear. You should count on the fact that he will do that.

They turned around and saw Sebastian Sitri in all of his glory.

Sona: Brother you have returned.

He nodded before stepping up next to Issei

Sebas: He will destroy this town without a second thought. Your parents and all of your non-supernatural friends will die. Will you allow that?

The weakest red dragon emperor trembled with rage.

Issei: How dare he! How dare he think that can get away with this!

His master placed a hand on his shoulder. Issei looked at her and noticed her expression

Rias: We wont allow him, Issei. We will work together and bring that war mongering crow to his knees.

The rest of them had similar outlooks on this situation and they teleported to Kouh academy to begin preparations for the attack.

Aizen on the other hand chuckled at how quick Rias changed after she was saved by Issei. She always does think of herself as a princess so Issei is like her knight in shining armor. Aizen has already though about what would happen if Issei somehow learned that Rias is the reason he died in the first place.

In the end he decided against it. After all he will die soon anyway. There is no need to torture the perverted fool like that anyway. After all Aizen is a kind man.


Now at the famous Kouh Academy both peerages and Xenovia got to work on making sure of two things. The first was that they would be ready for the fight and the second was to make sure that no bystander was caught in the fight.

Of course this was not actually going to be a fight. While Kokabiel is the weakest Cadre he still is one. Meaning that he has the power to back up and can destroy this entire town. Against that power both of them and their peerages will be easily killed if he goes all out.

Though that is pathetic to someone like Aizen who can blow up a planet with a single Fragor and possibly the universe if he has enough time to charge it with his infinite power. That is why only the likes of Great Red, Ophis, Trihexa, Tiamat, and Gilgamesh can defeat him.

Aizen decided not to fight in this battle and went with Sona to make the barrier. After all he is not going to let some crow throw him around just so he can keep the cover of only having the strength of a high-class devil. So yeah, making a barrier is what he is doing.

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