Beast of Comparison

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"My, my, if it isn't dear Morgan..."

Sitting on a rock is a man wearing the finest of fabrics. His long white hair appearing with the colors of the rainbow under the moonlight. His purple eyes shining with mischief as he looks upon the Quinto and Cuatro Espada's. His lips uplifted in a slight smile, as always. His head resting on his hand as his staff is placed down beside him.

 His head resting on his hand as his staff is placed down beside him

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"And Cath Palug as well. How are you, my dear familiar?" Asked Merlin.

The small fox like creature growled at the incubus. The man sighed as he turned his attention to Morgan. The one who was his equal in magic arts. He smiled at the found memory of him teaching her magic. She had such pure eyes back then.

"Its been some time my dear." Merlin stated politely.

Morgan shook her head at his antics. As she replied, "That it has. 2500 years since we last met, I believe. How did you get out of 'my' trap?"

The incubus grimaced at the her words. The 'my' she is referencing is none other than his past lover, Vivian. The alternate personality of Morgan. When he and her started to become something more is when Morgan snapped and became know as the Witch Queen. In the end he could not love both parts equally and that led to Camelot's ruin.

Everything went downhill from there. It all weighed down on him and at one point he verbally abused his lover and blamed her for all that has happened. He then fled to Avalon to escape the lady of the lake's wrath but it was a trap that led to his imprisonment .

"I didn't. The biblical god collected me and turned me into a heroic spirit. Now I have been summoned by Gilgamesh. That is all." Merlin informed easily. Hiding his true feelings.

He then stood up and faced them as he grabbed his staff. His expression changed to a cold one filled with cold resolution, surprising Morgan. She had never seen him with any serious expression. He has changed.

"I'm afraid I have no time to catch up with you Morgan. I am on a tight schedule." Said Merlin. Wanting to get this over with.

His foes couldn't agree more. With Cath Palug changing into his large form and rushing at the magician. He didn't make it far when chains shot up from the ground and attached to his hind leg. Causing him to trip and fall.

"Still as reckless as always."

Merlin then ducked as Morgan's lance slashed threw the air. He replied by placing the butt of his staff on her abdomen and firing a spell that got threw multiple layers of her multi-dimensional barrier. She backed off as Cath got free from his bindings.

"So both of you are going to fight me at the same time? I have no problem with that." Merlin stated with the same small smile.

The fight truly begun with Cath taking a bite at Merlin. His speed allowing him to kill Merlin before he could react as his blood went everywhere. He was devoured by Primate Murder in a instant. However Cath was then hit with a ray of magic right in the back. Sending him to ground.

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