Chapter 12 - Craize

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The noise leaks out of me without my consent, instinct snatching my control from me.

She's too gorgeous. No creature with such haunted eyes and a frown pulling their full lips down should be so alluring.

Her backward movement ceases, easing the tight ball lodged in the center of my chest.

My inner cynic snaps, ending the sound of comfort the moment her amazing scent invades my nostrils.

Confusion contorts her features until her eyes spark with anger.

A shiver ghosts down the entire length of my spine as she straightens her shoulders and glares down at me.

This puny, curvy little thing dares to look at me with such contempt? Another wave of desire flows through me as she speaks.

"Don't do that again."

My eyebrow lifts of its own accord, her sultry voice wrapping around my cock and making it instantly hard despite the amusement I feel at her demand.

Does she not realize I will be free of these chains soon?

When I don't respond, her jaw works as she gnaws on her bottom lip, causing jealousy to slide into my veins. My own teeth ache to nibble on her while my tongue wishes it were running over her teeth.

I hold back a snarl as she turns her focus away from me.

"I saw him. I don't want him. Can I go now?"

My snarl rips through the room, the combination of her aiming those enticing green orbs at another male and her flippant words sky-rocketing my anger.

Chains rattle and creak as my mind loses purchase over my alpha instincts, her pheromones spearing through the filth covering my body as slick gushes from her. It lands on the floor with a wet splatter, inspiring a tortured groan from my throat.

I suck down lungful after lungful of her amazing perfume, envious of the floor. Her slick shouldn't be wasted there—it should be on my tongue and coating my cock.

With both hands pressed against her lower abdomen, my lifemate lifts her head and sends me a look so full of agony I have no choice but to fall silent.

She neither whimpers nor speaks, but the pleading in her vibrant green orbs turns me to stone. My hard cock jerks against my restraints, but otherwise I embody a statue as she recovers.

"What's wrong with me?"

Her pained whisper arrows straight to my soul, urging it to leap from my chest and surround her with comfort. I keep my breathing carefully controlled, refusing to manipulate her with my purr.

"Absolutely nothing. You're fucking perfection incarnate."

Despite my attempt to keep my rumble to myself, it leaks into my voice, the words spoken from the beast eager to claim her.

Black pupils shrink to reveal vivid green irises as shock widens her eyes, her muscles relaxing and knees visibly wobbling as my words sink into her psyche. Yet her features harden and she tenses before she speaks.

"That's bullshit and we all know it. What is this pull between us? Why do you affect me so much more than anyone else?"

The room falls deathly quiet. I stare at my omega, wondering at her society's customs if she has no knowledge of what attracts our souls.

"We are lifemates."

Seconds tick by as she sends me a blank look. When I don't offer an explanation, she turns toward the female standing beside the door.

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