Chapter 5 - Raeni

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The cold floor digs into my knees and shins, but it's preferable to the heat of the brutal grip on my shoulder. With my teeth gritted and chest aching from my labored breaths, I ignore the tears trailing down my face and fight to hold in my sobs.

The entire right side of my face pulses with pain, the alpha standing above my kneeling body gloating at how I cower at his feet.

If he thinks I haven't lived through difficult times, that I've never been slapped before, then he's stupid. I spent years struggling to survive on the street, finding all sorts of trouble before being accepted into my chosen family.

It was worth it. I never would have kept my sense of self if I'd have stayed with my parents.

I long to prove how unbroken and fierce I am, but this is too much. Too much has happened in such a short time. I have no will to fight back. I just want to survive.

Instinct and common sense warn of how futile fighting would be, so I ignore my yearning to scratch and kick this bastard.

Frigid air encompasses my body, making goosebumps pepper my flesh and sending a shiver up my spine. It works to soothe my injured face, but nothing will wash away the ugly sense of doom writhing in my chest.

"Good girl. Remember that next time you get the urge to ignore my command," the dark brute growls down at me.

A sob escapes my chest, my limbs shaking and stomach roiling as my body betrays me. A gag hovers at the back of my throat, his disgusting pheromones mingling with the scent of ammonia. Despite hating everything about these two males, my womb throbs and nipples peak.

"Let's make sure the drugs have left your system. We wouldn't want you to miss out on the fun now, would we, Raeni?"

A needle stabs into my neck, icy agony flowing into my veins as the model-perfect alpha's words prompt the dark male standing over me to inject me.

Adrenaline bursts into the mayhem trapped inside my body, destroying my control. I shriek and lean away, batting at the hand holding the needle. A cruel fist yanks my hair, forcing my face upward. I wrap my fingers around the connected wrist, sobbing and digging my nails into his flesh. The deeper I pierce him, the tighter he pulls my hair until my spine threatens to snap as my chin points toward the ceiling.

"I love the feisty ones. She's going to be so much fun."

I freeze, staring up into dark eyes and trying to breathe through the agony coursing through my nervous system.

"Don't damage her too much. Wait until after we've completed the initial inspection."

The blonde alpha's blasé words tighten my stomach.

"I'm glad this one was slotted for our branch. She'd be wasted in the stricter experiments," the evil male holding me in the horrid position states, his brown orbs flicking away toward the other person occupying my torture chamber.

Shoes ghost across the floor as the blue-eyed alpha joins my captor, his visage dipping into my view before he speaks.

"Agreed. We were due a decent female long ago. It's good they finally found a match."

He towers over me, hovering on the edge of my vision while the dark alpha bends at the waist and nuzzles my ear with his lips.

"Hear that, Raeni? We waited a long time for you. I'm done waiting," he whispers, sending disgust shooting through me.

"We're going to own you without the pesky bond. I can't wait to force my cum down your throat and fill your cunt with my knot. My seed will run in your veins. You'll beg for me with your every breath."

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