Chapter 7 - Raeni

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Sweat coats my body, mixing with the slimy liquid plaguing my face and chest. Putrid and vile, I wish I could wipe away the alpha's seed, but whatever they injected into my veins still corrodes my cells and rules my faculties.

My heart wails in misery as my brain stores the disgusting scene into my memory, the evil brown eyes and spurting cock forever embedded into my psyche. I want to cry but can only writhe in pain.

Bright pink orbs invade my vision, the gore surrounding the behemoth's eyes making him stand out amidst the white ceiling. The broken lights flicker, making me wonder if my addled brain finally imploded, but the most delicious perfume invades my nostrils, clearing away the offensive stench of unwanted seed.

In the strobing lights I gasp in terror, unable to fight as the monster wraps his gloved hand around my flailing ankle and pins it to the mattress.

His scent burrows into my senses and loosens the terrible grip of the medicine. The tiny gnawing creatures disburse, slowly slinking into hibernation. I wish I could completely destroy them, but I have no defenses against or control over the miniscule abominations.

As my muscles relax and my organs throb in pseudo-relief, I stare in fright at the demon standing over me.

Blood drips from the horns on his forehead, landing on the mattress beside me. I cannot move away no matter how hard I try, my strength depleted from battling a war I had no hopes of winning.

A massive hand wraps around my throat, holding me against the mattress. Despite the manic look in my new tormentor's eyes, his grip doesn't evoke the same horror as the previous alpha's.

I have no doubt this male could crush my windpipe and end my life in less than a second. He's huge and carries an aura of brutality and strength, but my mind quiets as he glares down at me.

As though pulled by a magnet, my soul stretches up toward him.

It wasn't the universe I called. It was him.

I summoned a demon.

Metal glints over his spiked shoulder, and a noise of alarm bursts from my throat without my permission.

Before the knife pierces his flesh, the pink eyed alpha snarls and jerks to the side, releasing my neck and darting his elbow backward. As he strikes his attacker, the blade embeds itself into his upper back. I watch in horror and dread as the blonde male rips off the mask covering the lower half of my demon's face. It lands on my stomach, making my sluggish muscles flinch seconds after it hits, the material surprisingly heavy.

Masculine snarls accompany the sounds of fighting, my head pounding as I try to turn and track the outcome of the fight. A wet crunch sounds before uneven gargling precedes silence.

The air presses me down into the mattress—even the miniscule weight of my sweat and the horrid seed sitting on my flesh connives against me. The tiny monsters hovering in my veins hold me hostage, threatening to reappear the second I jostle them.

A terrifying roar cracks into my skull.


The guttural voice arrows through me, destroying any strength left in my bones.

Material slaps onto the floor next to the bed before a scorching fist encircles my throat. Without his gloves between us, my flesh sparks in glee at his touch.

Overriding my disgust, arousal spreads from where his calloused fingers dig into my neck.

I stare up into his face, stunned at the feral expression on his masculine features. His pupils expand and erase his pink irises while his sensual lip lifts in a silent snarl.

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