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You awoke late in the afternoon to commotion downstairs. There was yelling and the sound of breaking glass. Nick and Jenny were obviously having a row.

It was a shame. He seemed quiet and thoughtful, the polar opposite of the guys she usually brought around. She always did have bad taste in men. She liked bad boys, but it's hard to spot the difference between a bad boy and an asshole until you start to get to know them better.

You tip-toed halfway down the stairs and peeked over the bannister. You had a baseball bat in one hand and your cell phone with the emergency number dialed but not called in the other. You were completely ready to run to her defense if need be.

It turned out that Jenny was the one breaking dishes. Nick was holding his arms up defensively, trying to prevent the shards of ceramic from cutting up anything vital, like his handsome face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! She's a goddamn dyke!" He roared at her as a ceramic bowl hit him in the side and fell to the ground, shattering at his bare feet.

Your heart leapt into your throat. Surely he couldn't be talking about...

"How fucking dare you! She's my best friend! You're just some guy," she screamed like a harpy.

They were talking about you. How did he know? Did he hear the two of you yesterday? You thought he wasn't home yet... He'd been awfully quiet at dinner last night, however, cracking the shells of the king crab legs with more force than necessary while staring you down.

Your heart swelled at her defense of you. It felt like you could barely breathe around the lump in your throat. Maybe... Maybe you had a chance with her?

"Get out! Have one of your little boyfriends come pick you up. I don't want to see you around here anymore." She was hissing and spitting like a cobra, snarling like a lioness.

He threw his arms up in the air and stormed out the back porch. There was a sea of broken glass between him and the front door. Even if he managed to get through it unscathed, Jenny was waiting on the other side, wielding a cast-iron skillet.

You waited until he was out the door to call out, "Jenny?"

"Darling! I hate that you had to see me like that," she sighed, setting down the frying pan on the counter and walking over to the foot of the stairway where you were hidden.

You didn't mind seeing Jenny mad. With her hair wild and her face flushed with anger, she looked like a righteous fury out of Greek mythology. You loved every facet of her.

"Were you getting ready to play white knight? What a sweetheart!" She opened her arms for you. You dropped your things and rushed into them.

"Why don't you clean up this mess while I throw that douchebag's clothes out the window?" She suggested. You nodded, and she pressed a kiss to the top of your head. You could have died from happiness right then and there.

Then she treaded up the stairs to get rid of his things. So you retrieved the broom and vacuum cleaner you used on your first day at the cottage from the closet and got to work. You were sure to be extra thorough. Jenny liked to walk around without shoes on, and you didn't want her to get hurt.

There was more yelling as Nick and Jenny exchanged expletives through the window. You played some tunes on your phone to drown them out and focused on your chore.

Eventually the house grew tolerably quiet again, and she descended from the stairs. With an exhausted sigh, she took a seat at the dining room table. You put away your cleaning instruments and pulled out the chair directly across from her.

For a while, nothing but music filled the air. When you couldn't hold yourself back anymore, you blurted out, "What was that about?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. He just decided to pick a fight with me for some reason. He accused me of cheating!"

You did cheat on him, Jenny, you thought incredulously. You cheated on him with me. Just like she had her last five boyfriends. You didn't dare voice this, however.

"Everyone knows it's not cheating if it's with someone of the same sex!" She continued. That didn't bode well for your relationship, but maybe it was something that could be worked on. "Really he was just showing his true colors. What a jealous dickwad!"

"Jenny, I have something I have to tell you," you said, desperation clear in your voice. Now or never...

"Just a sec," she said with a dismissive wave of her hand before nagging, "I can't believe he raised his voice to me like that! And the awful things he said about me..."

"Jenny, it's really important!"

"Y/N, I'm talking!" She snapped, reaching across the table to slap you on the wrist. You felt like a misbehaving dog getting walloped across the nose. "You should have heard what he accused me of! Like I'd ever be friends with a lez!"

Your heart sunk like stone, sat like a pit in your stomach. You froze, jaw hanging open.

She misinterpreted your shock. "I know, right?! I'm not exactly desperate for companionship."

She was right. She wasn't. She had a whole clique of girls whose sole purpose was to stroke her ego. They loved her. As much as you loved her? Unlikely. But the point remained that it would be easy as pie for her to drop you, just like that.

You had only her. You tried to make more friends in college, but Jenny disapproved so you stopped seeing other people. You thought her jealousy, her possessiveness, was a good sign. A sign that she loved you just as much as you loved her.

Anything for Jenny. Everything for Jenny. That was your mantra. How long had you been living for her?

"Anyway..." She sighed at last, leaning back in her seat, "What was it that you wanted to tell me?"

"I..." You said before swallowing hard around all your tears. You wouldn't cry in front of this girl. You wouldn't. "I was going to go to Gavin's Store. Do you want anything?"

"Oooh! Pick me up a slushie! The blue one!" She said, clapping her hands together and bouncing in her chair like a child.

You nodded numbly and fled from your grandma's cottage on swift feet, fled from that narcissist. You ran out without your shoes or phone. You weren't going to Gavin's Store. You just wanted somewhere quiet and secluded to cry.

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