Courtship Rituals

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Putting on your swimsuit while wet was a struggle, but you managed to shimmy back into it. Nick was boiling king crab in the kitchen and Jenny was stirring upstairs when you ran out the back porch door. It felt like being a kid again, sneaking out to swim in the dead of night. Except now the sun had just gone down.

You had your goggles atop your head and your hands full. In one hand was your bucket of crabs. In your other was a bucket filled with hair supplies. A hair pick, a brush, hair ties, and little gold clips from when Jenny had dreadlocks.

You hopped from one rock to the other until you were as far out on the jetty as you dared venture. Your frame was practically vibrating with excitement. You anxiously shifted your weight back and forth between your feet.

Finally, what felt like an eternity later, Seren poked her head above the surf. She crawled up the submerged rocks of the jetty to get closer to you. "Were you waiting on me, dear heart?" She asked in a drawl. As always, she sounded pleased to see you, as if you were the highlight of her night.

"You're real!" You told her, as if she didn't already know that. It came out as a squeak, almost a squeal. You'd be embarrassed if you weren't so excited.

"Convinced you, have I? I would have pulled a tooth the night we met if I thought it would warrant such a warm welcome," she said with a grin. You weren't scared of her smile anymore. She had yet to bite you, after all.

"Oh my god, I have so many questions! I brought you crabs! Do you eat crabs? What do you eat? Do you eat fish, or is that considered cannibalism? Oh, oh! Can I brush your hair? I bet it gets tangled underwater. Is it really hair? Why do you have hair? I bet it gets tangled underwater. Sorry! I already said that, didn't I? I'll stop talking."

It was hard, but you somehow stopped yourself from word vomiting all over her any more than you already did. It took a lot of willpower to keep your mouth shut, but you managed.

She was silent for a heartbeat. You couldn't read her expression without a lantern. It was too dark. She wasn't smiling, though. You hoped that wasn't a bad sign.

"You hunted for me? You want to groom me?" She asked at last.

"Ummm... Yes?"

"Yes!" Seren said with a grin so wide it really did split her face in half. You watched in fascination as she settled herself on a rock, sitting with her back to you, gracefully flipping her length of hair behind her shoulders for you. It reached well past her waist.

Once she looked comfortable, you handed her the bucket of crabs. You watched with morbid curiosity as she delicately picked the largest of the bunch and bit him in half. Your stomach squirmed at the sight.

You kneeled down in the water, holding the bucket of hair supplies between your knees. You chose the hair pick first, anticipating her hair being a tangled mess. It wasn't, though. Other than a few knots here and there, it was surprisingly smooth.

"Do you brush it often?" Maybe you'd get some answers if you asked your questions one at a time.

"Do I look like I spend all night primping and preening?" She replied snarkily around a mouthful of crab. You could hear her teeth crunching through its hard shell. "No, although I do perform regular maintenance. I think it's more like fish spines than human hair."

She might be right. It was neither soft nor coarse. It was almost rubbery. Once you were able to run a brush through her hair, you sectioned it out into different parts and started braiding it.

"And your diet?"

"I do eat fish." Her answer was short and sweet. She probably didn't like being talked about like she was an animal. You know you wouldn't.

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