Back in the past

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Way back in the past, before Wei Wuxian was born into the world, Wei Yeqiu along with her parents were travelling place to place, never stopping at one for too long. Of course, being as young as she was, people often wondered why, she didn't act like a kid of her age.

She did, but only when nobody else than her family is around, because she did not like that other people, gossiped and criticized other, when they don't even know all circumstances. They said that ignorance is a bliss, but knowing the truth is good as well, because no one knows, when they might offend someone.

She liked travelling, because she could see some otherworldly scenery and meet interesting people. Although, she was curious, she never pried too much in other's business and never asked the past of others ; unless, they were willing to tell her themselves. 

If they did, opened up to her, she did her best to never judge or assume and only took in consideration, what the person itself told her, and not the prying gossips.

Just like that, several years had passed, and her mother became pregnant with her younger siblings. So, because of that, the travelling routine of her family had stopped, and they finally settled down somewhere.

Her father's sworn brother had welcomed the four of them, including her still unborn sibling, into their home. At first, Wei Yeqiu was scared of madam Jiang, but she progressively warmed up to her.

Madam Jiang is always seen with a scowl on her face, but behind that mask, she is very caring and warm. She also had insisted that, the young girl should call her 'aunt' instead of 'madam', too formal as she said.

The couple already had a daughter that was one year younger than Yeqiu, so the two girls quickly became friends as they were close in age. And, even thoughts each other as sisters, and the couple never bothered to correct them anyway, as they also thought that Yeqiu was also their daughter.

As they say, even if they are not blood-related, they can still be family.

It was a truly peaceful year, but every happy moment never last long. It's unfortunate, but it's true. After, Yeqiu's mother gave birth to her brother, she became frail, and her health declined, resulting of them never travelling around any more.

Her father became distant and even ignored completely ignored them, going as far as never looking in her eyes ever again. Maybe it was because, he was sorrowful, as she looked much more like his wife than to him.

After, the final moment together, Yeqiu's mother had let out her last breath before, going into an eternal sleep. Because, he couldn't bear it, her father had once more taken the road, leaving behind him a daughter and a just born son.

So what if the two of them didn't have parents any more? She will act as a substitute parent for her brother. Their father abandoned them? Then, it wouldn't matter.

It's a pity that he didn't stay back and forgot that he had children, but he is the one who made that decision, so he better not regret it and, try to enter in his son's life once again.

He had lost his wife, but the two of them not only lost their mother, but also a father. Though, they still had some people willing to welcome them, and a grandmother and also an uncle.

Yeqiu was currently attending to a class given by a teacher that, the Jiang couple, had chosen for her. 

At first, when the teacher received an invitation to teach the ward of the couple, he was sceptic because he didn't remember that the couple had a ward before.

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