Resurfacing [2]

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>< Few minutes before Wei Wuxian's getaway ><

Before the reincarnated Wei Wuxian, went out to show his face around, Mo Ziyuan was held down by his father, but after hearing one particular sentence from Wei Wuxian, he began to lose his temper once more.

"Who said that my words shouldn't be taken seriously? Next time, try stealing anything from me again. You steal once, and I cut off one of your hands!"

The boy, who attempted to protect the lunatic, blocked the entrance and changed the subject with a serious tone. "Then, we will borrow the West Courtyard for the night. Please remember the things that I've talked about— After nightfall, close all the windows. Don't come outside, or worse, walk toward the Courtyard."

Madam Mo was shaking from anger, answered. "Yes, yes, please..."

Hearing her answer, the boy nodded and extended a hand for YueHua to take, and turned and walked toward her. "Senior sister, we can start the preparation."

She nodded, and took his hand gratefully. "Then let us go, shall we?" She said, and they went out.

>< With Madam Mo and Mo Ziyuan ><

When only Madam Mo and Mo Ziyuan, were left in the East Courtyard, the latter finally lose his temper and complained to his mother.

"Mom! The lunatic insulted me in front of so many people, and that's it? You told me before; you told me that he was only a..." His mother, didn't let him finish and commanded him to be silent.

"Be quiet. Can't you wait until we go back?" She scolded her son, for maybe the first time.

Of course, Mo Ziyuan who had never been at such a disadvantage before or disgraced in the past, was full of hatred. It somehow became worse because of his mother's scolding, making him thought, something inexcusable and disproportionate to today's humiliation. 

'This lunatic is going down tonight!'

>< Time skip ><

While, Wei Wuxian was meditating, sat on the ground in the position of the lotus, in the courtyard that belonged to Mo Xuanyu, he was interrupted by several servants who barged in.

These servants shouting, at multiple times, sentences like "Barge in and drag him out!" or "Notify the officers!" or "What do you mean 'notify the officers'? Beat him to death!".

When he opened his eyes, some servants already barged in and, the whole courtyard set alight with fire.

"Drag the insane murderer to the Main Hall and make him pay for it with his life!"

After hearing that, he was dragged out. He didn't want to walk, so he straightened himself and let them drag him there.

>< East Hall ><

The East Hall, was bustling with people as all the servants and relatives were present. It was easy to see that they were asked to come to the East Hall, as some of them were still in their undergarments or didn't have the time to brush their hair yet.

Though, all of them were terrified, and it was because of Madam Mo.

She was collapsed in her seat, while tears were still lingering in her eyes. She looked sorrowful, but her gaze changed the moment, Wei WuXian was dragged in. It became full of hatefulness.

Initially, he was dragged in for a reason that himself didn't know, but he quickly gained some information as the conversation of the GusuLan's disciples, leaked.

It seemed that, the human shaped thing on the ground and covered by a white cloth was in fact the young master of the Mo family. Only the head was slightly visible.

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