Chapter 34

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Three years later— "Em, did you wash my clothes?" I hear him call from the top floor.

"Yes, they're in the bathroom." I walk up the stairs, heading for the bathroom where I have his suit drying on a hanger. I'm startled by the hands that close around my waist.

"You look nice today." I turn to him and he runs his eyes over my turquoise coloured dress. I glance down at my black stiletto heels that replaced my worn-out white all-stars a year ago. Although I still like to wear my black boots to engineering class, I prefer these when I have more important business to attend to, like the first day at my new internship at MMR today.

"Thank you." I smile at him. "I have to go." I press a quick kiss on his lips and then squeeze myself out of his grasp.

Three years have passed since... everything. It took me a while to accept the way things were, but eventually everything was back to normal. Like Finn not being in my life anymore...

Vincent changed though. He's a better man now. Maybe not entirely like I want him to be, but still, he's trying his best.

"It's your first day at Motorcycle Murder Races, isn't it?" He asks as I walk out of the bathroom.

I half turn to him, surprised he remembered anything I've said, but something in me still lights up because of it. A flicker of hope or love.

"Yes, it is." I smile broadly.

"Good luck. Don't fuck it up." He says. And the warm feeling is gone...

"See you tonight." I sigh and then walk down the stairs to gather my things.

I'm in my Senior year and this is my last internship. I can't wait until all the exams are over and I can start working. To be honest, I'm sick and tired of living off Vincent's money. I can barely put money aside for myself, let alone be independent.

The moment I'm sure I have everything I need, I start the ten-minute walk to MMR, leaving my grandfather's car where it's always parked. Vincent told me to get rid of the Old Timer, but I won't. Even though I don't have enough money to buy gas and drive it... I will eventually.


Walking past the fences of the tracks, I can't contain the smile on my face when two motorcyclists race past me with unknown speed... The first real smile in months. The rumbling sound makes my legs go weak. I love it already. I look up at the large red letters on the building ahead of me, stating MMR, and walk towards it. I've never been here before, but did my research before I sent my resume to them.

It's a quiet Wednesday morning and the bar is empty except for a woman with brown hair who appears to be in her forties. Her face fills up with wrinkles as she smiles at me.

"Goodmorning hun." She says when I walk towards her. "What can I do for you?"

"Hi, I'm here for Sem? It's my first day."

"Emma?" She asks and I nod. "Good! She'll be waiting for you in her office. Third floor. It's the office on the left so it's pretty hard to miss." She winks and then hands me a keycard while she gestures to the lift.

"Thank you." I smile at her, take the card from her and walk over to the lift where I hold it against the access pad next to the entry doors. When they slide open, I press on the button to the third floor and it only takes a few seconds to take me where I need to be.

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