Chapter 24

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"Do you like it?" Andras asks me when I walk into the street where my mom lives and where I'm staying for the week.

"It looked good. The building needs some renovations, but the tracks look perfect." I tell him, looking at my shoes as I walk slowly.

"Did you think of a name yet?"

"No I-" I look up and am surprised to see Emma sitting on the front porch of my moms house. What is she doing here? "Hey, I need to call you back." I say and hang up.

She looks up and immediately stands up, fixing her dress.

"Hey there, darling." I say, letting my eyes move over her beautiful bare legs and then to her suitcase. "You came."

"Hi." She says in a soft voice that immediately gives me a boner. Why is she so perfect? "I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not, darling. Come on in. I'll make us some tea." I say and take her suitcase. I grab the keys from my pocket and open the door, letting her go inside first. I put her suitcase next to the staircase and take her coat from her.

"Thank you." She says and turns to me to smile. Her blue eyes are almost as deep as the ocean, full of secrets I want to know about.

I lead her through the living room into the kitchen.
"Where is your mom?" She asks as she sits down at the kitchen island.

"She works night shifts and won't be home until the morning." I tell her and walk to the kettle to fill it up with water for the tea.

I can't stop the images of all the things I could do to Emma, realising we'll be home alone the whole night. I throw a quick glance over my shoulder, catching her looking at me. Her red cheeks betray her own dirty thoughts making me smirk while I make us both a cup of tea and sit opposite of her.

"And your dad?" She asks, making me realise she doesn't know. Of course she doesn't know. Mom just grabbed our shit after Andras was arrested and we left in the middle of the night.

"He passed away a couple of years ago."

She puts her hand to her mouth. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, darling." I tell her and almost say I'm not.
She knew I hated him, but I doubt she knows that I hated him enough to kill him. "It's a long time ago." I add instead.

She looks down at her tea and asks "Am I a bad person for not grieving my fathers death?"

"You're not." I say and mean it. "We don't get to choose our parents and sometimes they don't deserve our grief or love for that matter."

When she finally looks up at me and sees I was already watching her, her cheeks become red and she averts her eyes again.


"I'm sorry for showing up unannounced." She says when I walk into the dark guest room, the only light in the room coming from the hallway.

She uncomfortably stands by the door, a safe distance from me when I turn on the light next to the bed.

"I wasn't planning on coming here." She adds, making me look her way. She looks sad, so sad, it crushes my heart to see her heartbroken. "I wanted to surprise Vincent and stay with him for the week."

I keep quiet, listening tensely while I let her talk and take a woollen blanket from under the bed, remembering she always slept with two blankets.

"But I can't sleep there." She says like it's nothing. She nervously fiddles with her dress making my eyes dart to her thighs.

Suddenly but slowly I walk towards her until I stand still before her. I look down at her pretty face. "You're a horrible liar, darling."

"What? I'm not lying." She quickly looks away.

"What did he do?" I ask.

"Nothing." She lies again. I take another step towards her and place my fingers underneath her chin, gently forcing her to look up at me. I don't have to put in much effort since her head moves almost automatically. So obedient.

"When are you going to realise he's no good for you, darling?"

"You don't know him like I do." She defends. I can barely hear the words coming over her lips. I'm making her nervous.

I run my finger over her jawline and then slowly move to her throat, imagining what my hand would look like around it. "You're the kind of girl who finds love in broken things, aren't you?"

She holds her breath as I bring my face closer to hers, my lips only inches from hers.


"Tell me to stop, darling. Tell me to stop and that you only want to be friends, and I will." My voice is low and alluring, letting my breath tickle her beautiful lips.

When she doesn't answer I put my hand on her lower back, where it fits perfectly. "Tell me what you want me to do, darling." I feel her getting goosebumps and see she almost wants to give in. She's like jelly in my arms.

"I can't..." She finally whispers. "I can't do this to Vincent..." I can't help the small smile that tucks at the corners of my lips. She's too good for him. Such a submissive good girl. She's gold.

Slowly I move my lips to her forehead murmer "I know. I'm here when you change your mind." Then I press a kiss on it and let go of her, leaving her alone in the guest room.

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