Chapter 14

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I lean against the wall in the backroom, listening to my brother speak to the project he told me about last Tuesday. A worthless soul someone wanted to get rid of.

My gaze swiftly moves to the screens on the wall behind him, where all the races of tonight are monitored. We hold races every Friday and Saturday, which provide the perfect distraction for our other business.

My eyes move back to my brother, and he grins at the dark haired man we have tied down to a chair. Plastic lays underneath it, making it easier to clean up his blood later.

Andras was right. He is fat and sweating like a pig while he nervously looks at my brother.

"Unfortunately I have to end our date early," My brother says to the man. "So let me introduce you to my little brother, Finn." He nods at me and I push myself off the wall, knowing the man isn't able to see me here in the dark corner. I walk up to him while I grab my knife from my pocket.

"He'll take over from here. Oh, and he loves playing with his knives" Andras adds.

The fat guy heavily breathes through his nose and tries to say something through the grey tape he has on his mouth. Pathetic.

He shakes his head and looks at the knife I play with in between my fingers.

Andras takes off his cloves and puts them in the pocket of his black trousers. "I'll leave Dagon and Lestat, they'll get rid of his body." He enlightens me.
The man's eyes go wide and they dart to me, meeting my emotionless face, while my brother opens the door, filling the room with loud engine revving of the cars outside and laughter from the bar.

"Call me on the burner when you're done." He says before closing the door behind him and leaving me to it.

Actually it was his turn, but I really needed this tonight and he knew that. I have to get rid of my anger. I couldn't stand to see Emma's burned arm, but I also can't interfere with her and Vincent. The piece of shit she calls her boyfriend.

If I do, I know I'll only push her away from me. I have to give her time. Time to realise who I am, and time to realise she deserves better than him.

When she falls, I'll catch her and gladly put a knife to his throat. If she allows me.

"How does it feel," I begin, and rip the tape off his mouth, leaving a red mark on his skin. He grits his teeth against the stinging pain, but I carelessly finish my first question. "To beat a helpless kid. Does it feel good? Does it make you feel powerful?"

"I- I don't-" He begins, but I continue.

"Do you feel like a big man when you use your belt on your four year old and sixteen year old?" I ask.
His eyes widen. "Oh yes, I know all about your family. You even have a little girl on the way too. Congratulations dad." I squat next to him and look up at his sweaty face. "The thing is, Miguel. Can I call you that?"


"Oh, your wife told me. Or ex-wife I should say."

"My wife?"

"Yeah, you know, the one you stalked after she left you. The one you beat up time and time again. You see, Miguel, your ex-wife wanted to make sure you wouldn't be able to hurt her, her sons and unborn child anymore. She payed quite a lot for us to get rid of you actually."

"That fucking b-"

I grab his face and squeeze. "Oh, no Miguel, we don't talk about women that way." I say calmly, but tighten my grip on his jaw. "Understood?" I let go and stretch my legs, walking around his chair.

"They'll find out who did it! They'll find my body!"

"Not if there isn't anything left to find. You know, in the end we're all made of flesh that can be cut and bones that can be broken. But I'll leave that to Dagon and Lestat," I nod my head towards the two men that lean against the wall. They're watching us in silence, but Lestat has a devilish grin tucking at the corner of his mouth.

"They love it and are quite good at it, I must admit." I put one hand in my pocket and look from Lestat to Miguel. "My fathers body still hasn't been found over seven years. Or what was left of it that is."

He lets out a girlish sob. "Please just let me go." He begs, tears falling from his eyes. "I promise I'll stay away from them!"

"I just love it when people beg." I say and walk another slow circle around him, making him turn his head to see where I am. He's scared out of his mind. Good. His kids probably are too everytime he beats them black and blue, just like I was when my father beat me.

I come to stand before him again and look down on him. "Don't worry, I won't kill you." I say, smiling down at him. I squat before him, seeing his eyes fill up with some kind of relief, so I grin. "Not yet at least, I want you to beg me for it." I say and then smash my knife into his knee, making him scream.


As I walk into the building of the campus, I have my Schoolboy face in place again and put my clean hands in the pockets of my jeans. I washed the blood off me in the bathroom next to the back room at Killer Parcours, letting Dagon and Lestet take care of the rest. They are loyal and quiet, I like that about them.

"Hey Finn!" Aiden says from a distance while he's setting up the speakers in the corner. I nod at him and walk to the stairs two steps at a time. I look up when I see Vincent walk past me with an angry face. My blood immediately starts to boil at the sight of him and the knife in my pocket suddenly feels heavy.
I wrap my hand around the hilt and force myself to keep it in my pocket not to cut him for burning Emma. It takes a lot of restraint to keep walking, but when I do, I see Emma stand close to her door with her back to me. She turns around with tears that seem to sting her eyes, but stops herself and turns back to her room, opening the door and entering.

From my place atop the stairs I look down at the open front door, contemplating if I should go after Vincent to ask him what he did to her, but I don't. I shouldn't. I will only make things worse for her.

Guys like him always blame others for everything that happens. So instead I walk to her door and knock twice, the best thing to do to earn her trust is to lift her up when she is down.

"Snow white?" I shout over the music, but she doesn't answer. Maybe she's still mad at me for interfering the way I did yesterday, but I learned from my mistake. No more prying into her relationship until she gives me permission to.

"Listen, I know you're mad at me. But I'm coming in." When I enter her room she's sitting next to the door. Her knees are pulled up and her face is wet with tears, looking up at me in shock. She probably didn't expect me, thinking I was Vincent coming back because he changed his mind. I know women like her, they always give more of themselves than they get back. They always think they deserve the pain, the beatings, the way their boyfriend or husband treats them. Thinking that they can change him and make him a better person. Unluckily for them, you can't change a narcissist.

She tries to stand up but her panic attack keeps her down, almost falling against the wall. I quickly move to her and catch her. She's struggling to breathe while I let her lean against my chest.

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