Chapter 43 - December 17, 2016

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"Day three, December seventeenth. I have been taking the sleeping pills for three nights now and they have done their job. So far, no mutations have taken place but the possibility is still-"

"There is no possibility of mutation" Bruce interrupted tiredly, sending a pleading look to the man across from him.

"But that would be so cool" I whined, slumping into my seat.

"I'm starting to regret giving those to her, she's done this every morning" Bruce complained to Tony. Tony simply chuckled and shook his head before turning to me.

"Why are you so energetic today?"

"Because Lena is teaching me to drive a motorcycle" I said, bouncing excitedly.

"She won't be if you keep her waiting" Yelena deadpanned, her brows raised as she stood in the doorway of the medbay.

I let out a panicked noise and scrambled over to her before saluting stiffly. "Reporting for duty."

"You're stupid" she laughed, rolling her eyes at me. I grinned widely at the fact that I made her laugh, trailing behind her as we started off, heading for outside. We got as far as the main room before Yelena turned her head back to look at me. "Incoming."

I furrowed my brow at the warning, looking in the direction she jerked her head, my eyes widening when I caught sight of a certain brunette heading towards us. I grimaced before picking Yelena up bridal style and speeding outside.

"Warn me before you do that" she huffed as I put her down and I smiled apologetically. "Pietro said you should talk to her."

"Pietro's a boy. He's dumb" I grumbled.

After the heart wrenching rejection from the woman I had taken to avoiding her far more blatantly than before, not even trying to hide it. Unfortunately for me, Wanda didn't seem to be on the same page as she continued to seek me out, attempting to speak to me.

"Besides, I don't want to talk to her."

Yelena sighed. "Pietro said-"

"You and Pietro talk a lot while I'm not around huh?" I asked. My words were teasing rather than accusatory as I switched the topic from my love life to hers, and the undeniable connection the two had formed.

"We don't talk much" she denied, her cheeks growing red.

"Really? I saw you two playing video games yesterday. You looked pretty cozy on the couch together."

"Shut up!" She yelped, pushing me harshly. I laughed loudly, deciding that I had pressed the issue enough. For now.

"So, how the fuck does this work?" I asked, gesturing to the motorcycle in front of me. "Like a car?"

"No, not like a car" Yelena denied and I huffed, spinning the keys on my fingers. The blonde furrowed her brow, patting her many vest pockets before narrowing her eyes at me. "сука."

"I can tell that wasn't nice, so back at you" I retorted, tossing the keys to her. She snatched them out of the air and rolled her eyes before turning on the bike.

She checked everything over to make sure it was okay before turning to me. "Are you ready?"

I scoffed. "Of course I am."

No. The correct answer was no because it took ten minutes for me to crash and then another ten for Yelena to calm down my panicking at the thought of Nat murdering me for crashing her bike.

"I'm dead" I breathed, staring in horror at what used to be the redhead's perfectly driveable motorcycle.

"Maybe she won't be mad?" Yelena tried and I shot her a look. She nodded and patted my shoulder. "At least she'll kill both of us. I was the one teaching you."

"Alright; pack a bag. We'll be moving to Antarctica."

"She'd find us."

"I know" I sighed, turning to the blonde. "Do you want to savor the walk of death or would you rather go fast?"

She chuckled, holding out her hand. "Better savor it. We won't have our legs after this." I laughed, taking her hand.

Nat was furious with us, but I suppose a full day of training was nothing compared to a quite early visit to the depths of hell.

That being said, though, we decided to hunker down in my room for the rest of the day and stay out of sight. God knows she might change her mind once she actually caught sight of her poor bike.

"Do you want to invite Pietro?" I asked Yelena as we settled onto the floor in front of the TV. She glanced at her phone before shaking her head.

"I'd rather just have a girls day."

I narrowed my eyes at her actions but she simply smiled at me and I decided to let it go, turning on the first Men In Black movie and pulling a blanket around me to combat the cold.

"So, what is this movie about?" Yelena questioned as the opening logos played and I hummed.

"Men. In black." I answered and she turned to me, an eyebrow raised.

"You don't know, do you?"

"Nope now shush and let's watch it."

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