Chapter 17 - November 8, 2016

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Power, power, power.

That fucking word circled my brain as rain beat down, soaking me completely. It was times like this that I wished standing in the cold rain would, in fact, cause pneumonia.

It felt as if I deserved it.

My phone had been going off non-stop since I left the sanctum; calls and texts from the Avengers who refused to leave me alone, further convincing me of their clinginess.

Now that I thought about it, the Avengers seemed to be open only to those with immense trauma tacked on to them; the death or loss of someone close seeming to be the most prevalent reason.

Which meant that I fit right in.

I didn't bother turning off my phone, too downtrodden to reach in my pocket to update anyone or even to map out how I would get back. The latter question was answered for me when a black car pulled up beside me.

"Just kill me, I honestly don't care" I said to nobody in general.

"I think I might get fired for that" a voice answered and I looked over, seeing Happy through the rolled down window of the car.

"Oh, Happy" I murmured, making no move to get in the car.

"Tony told me to come pick you up, unless you'd rather walk all the way back?"

"I think I can teleport" I said emotionlessly, although I did climb into the car. "Your seats are going to be ruined."

"I'm sure they'll be fine."

The ride back to the facility was silent, only the low volume radio filling the space. The quiet gave me unwanted access to my thoughts, and by the time we arrived I had spiraled deeply, suffocating in my own brain.

I mumbled a thanks to Happy as I got out of the car and entered the facility. After an hour in the warm car I was fully dry, although my whole body itched from being soaked in rain water.

When I ambled into the main room I was met with very annoyed looking Avengers, with Pietro and Nat crossing their arms while Tony and Steve looked more like disappointed fathers than concerned friends. Wanda stood off to the side, eyeing me curiously.

I had expected this, creating a speech during the drive that now played from my mouth like a playback from a tape recorder "I'm sorry for avoiding you and leaving without saying goodbye twice. I accept if you hate me and if needed I will leave. I have learned that I am stuck in this timeline and would like to be left alone. I will take questions tomorrow." The entire thing was too practiced and robotic, emotion far from present. I didn't give them a chance to say anything as I walked straight through the wall and towards the elevator.

"How about absolutely not" Tony scoffed and I felt myself being restrained. I looked down and saw the achingly familiar red mist that made my guilt rise, remembering the Wanda from my timeline.

"Please just-"

"Nope, you used up your alone time. Now you have to talk to us" Nat interrupted, kneeling down in front of me as Wanda set me down on the couch. "What's going on?"

And that's when I broke down.

I couldn't seem to come up with any words that anyone could understand; the blubbering through tears clearly only making everyone uncomfortably helpless. Nat leaned back, a grimace on her face as she patted my knee.

"You people are useless."

The couch beside me dipped and I felt myself being pulled into someone, making me cry harder at the familiarity.

Wanda shushed me, hand smoothing my hair. Soon I fell into the rhythm and my sobs calmed to sniffles and jerking breaths. I leaned back and wiped my face, knowing I looked horrible.

"I went to go see someone about an infinity stone. The time stone. I was hoping it could get me back home" I told them through loud sniffling, my voice thick.

"And it didn't work" Steve concluded, piecing together what I had first said. I nodded, pressing my head back onto Wanda's chest. I know I wasn't supposed to like her here, but it was the only thing even close to the same as home. She was the only thing. Fortunately she didn't push me away, simply beginning to rub my back.

"I'm here until I die" I whispered, clenching my hands.

The more I had repeated the mantra that I did want to go home the more doubtful I became; the more obvious it became that I was trying to convince myself rather than anyone else.

Back home, I had nothing. My family was gone, as was anyone I had considered a friend. Wanda was there, but she wasn't. She wanted nothing to do with me, and the longer I spent away from her the more I realized she didn't need me.

Not in the way I had thought. Not in the way that I had needed her.

Logically, me getting trapped here was a positive, wasn't it? Wanda could be happy with Vision and her sons and she wouldn't have to deal with me. I had friends here now and I could grow to love this timeline that hadn't experienced the hardships mine had.

I could be happy here.


I blinked, looking up to see everyone looking at me . I had almost forgotten where I was.

"I thought if I could distance myself from you guys that I could go back and pretend none of this happened" I said softly, looking between the four people in front of me.

"Is that why you started avoiding us?" Nat questioned and I went to nod before I stopped.

"Yes and no. The more time I spent with you, the more I forgot that I don't belong here and that scared me. It was like I didn't even want to go home and I was inevitable."

It was silent for a second before Tony cleared his throat. "Well, now that you're staying I'm going to have to bill you for all the money you spent at the mall. I don't suppose you have a job?"

I laughed, separating myself from Wanda and ignoring the cold air as I stood up, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. "I don't suppose the Avengers are taking any new applications?"

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