Twin Flames

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Chapter 59

Wei Li Lian
Princess Elora
Phoenix Palace

Li Lian was beyond surprised when the Guard-In-Charge called her out of the dungeon. According to His Majesty's instructions, she was to be released. She did not know what it meant, but she was beyond ecstatic. Surely, it implied that Yuwen Hong was on the path of forgiving her and fixing things; just as he promised he would do for them in the past.

It took a long time to freshen up for she had gone for days without proper washing. Her entourage was reinstated, although most of them were not in a good enough condition to serve. Ai was in worse shape, with bruising on her knees that she could barely stand for a long time. Li Lian discharged her from duties so she could rest.

Servants are like the branches on a tree. When the tree falls, so do they perish. They all relied on their mistress. Her success was their prosperity, and the same was her demise their downfall.

Li Lian watched Yuwen Hong lazily lounge on the bed as she put on fresh sleeping clothes. After their lovemaking, she lit the sleeping chambers to find her way around as she cleaned up.

Yuwen Hong had poured his seed on her stomach, something that Li Lian had never seen him do. From the beginning, they agreed they wanted children and left it in the hands of timing and nature.

Now, she was no longer on the highest cloud of happiness because if Yuwen Hong had no intentions of letting her bear his child, it meant her future with him was not in the plans.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on." He ogled her from the bed as she tied her garments.

"Is that the only reason you love me?" she teased.

If I started to list it all, I would take till dawn." Yuwen Hong's husky voice that resonated with his inner calmness and peace was beautiful to her senses. It was hoarse, caressing, and his serenade for her.

She chuckled and went to the bed to kiss him all over his face. She multiplied her kisses until he stopped her by biting on her lower lip.

He released the most tantalising groan before he rolled her onto the bed so he could be on top, then took the kiss he had waited to have since they were pronounced husband and wife. Oh, heavens, could he kiss.

Li Lian's body heated―every muscle, from one nerve ending to the next, all over her skin―as their lips branded, tongues tasting and teeth nipping. Hearts broken and an unfortunate separation, yet their bodies were like twin flames that were never apart.

It must have been a while―though it felt like a few seconds―when he lifted from her to breathe and rest. She circled her arms around his neck and lightly massaged his shoulders.

"I love you, Yuwen Hong," she declared sweetly. "More than life itself."

He smiled, though for some reason it did not reach his eyes like it usually did around her. But he went on to say it back. "I love you a lot, Li Lian. You are my only wife and partner in this life."

She chuckled and pushed him off her, so she could sit up.

He scowled. "I thought we were going for seconds. Once is not enough." He absent-mindedly ran his hand on her thigh.

"We could, but we have not talked yet."

"Talk about what?"

His hand tried to untie her garment, but she pushed it off.

"Feelings and the future," she said simply.

"Tomorrow has its problems, and so does today." He was saying there was no reason to talk about the future. They had to live in the moment.

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