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I finally got to write. I finally found myself again. To be honest, I'm taking it step by step. However, this chapter was personal to me and I related to it cause all this is what I have felt and learnt. I hope this touches someone, heals someone, and helps them with decisions in life.

Still considering a mass update. Just figuring out when.

Thank you for all your messages. I read each one of them. And to be honest, this is why I managed to rise up this fast. You mean so much to me.

Chapter 11

Bai Shen Hong
Yuwen Hong
The Blacksword Academy

Yuwen Hong brushed his index finger over his forehead and felt the swelling that fell up to his eyelash. Oren was still a good opponent and Yuwen Hong wondered whether the saying, “The student shall surpass the teacher,” was indeed true. Just when he thought he was almost there, Oren always improved in like manner. You would think since he was aging, it would start to show by now.

As he approached the waterfall, his eyes caught Li Lian seated on the bench. She was waiting for him as he had instructed his court lady to let her know that he would see her there. It was a surprise she pitched up considering her stubbornness and willful personality.

To be honest with himself, he was at a point where he was tired. A person can only chase after the other to a certain point before wearing out. Li Lian had run him down and he felt like an old horse, stripped off of all strength and motivation where it concerned the issues of the heart.

To what extent did she want him to go for her so she could be satisfied that his feelings were earnest and what he felt towards her was something he was willing to sacrifice for? Had what they had in the beginning only been, but a dream?

Cold wind breezed past Li Lian and it shook her to the bone. Near the waterfall, the wind carried droplets of water within it. She brushed the few dripping on her face using the back of her sleeve, and sighed.

He did not know what was to happen after they talked. The only thing to be sure of is that he was angry toward her. Very angry, but so was the hurt as deep. And also, he was not sure how far along his bottom line was. Had she pushed him too far or maybe there was still a possibility? It all depended on her, but this was the last chance he would give her.

The ground thudded and leaves brushed the sole of his shoes as he approached her, but though hearing him, she refused to look up. She did not want to face him, probably afraid of what she would find in his eyes.

With right, she had to be, because positive shone in him at that moment.

Yuwen Hong sat on the same bench she was on, which had her slightly tremble, but she dismissed that by compulsively waving her fingers through the luscious hair curtaining her face.

“Speak,” his voice was quiet, resigned and beat down. She had done that to him.

She cleared her throat. “Where should I start?”

That seemed to irritate him. Time was of the essence and he wanted to be done with it as soon as possible. “You figure. It is not I who likes to keep secrets.”

She flinched at his words and nodded in acceptance of it all. “Lance is the person who rescued me when I fell from the cliff.”

“Doesn’t mean you have to kiss him in gratitude,” the words fell through gritted teeth.

“I didn’t.”

“Then why did you...?” It couldn’t be said. Such an act was treasonous and only she dared to do that.

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