Stained Scrolls

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Chapter 49

Wei Li Lian
Princess Elora
Her Highness Wei

Li Lian's palms were clammy and her stomach knotted in apprehension. All of it felt like a foreshadowing of the worst still to come.

The other times she had been threatened with the truth coming out, it was not as difficult. She was nobody to him then, but not anymore.


She gave herself to him in the previous hour. Until death, not to part till heavens merged with the earth.

"Your Highness, it is I!" Ai called.

Li Lian heard Ai's footsteps nearing the shut sliding door.

"Do not enter, report from outside," she quickly instructed.

"Yes, Your Highness." Ai cleared her throat. "Reporting on what you asked of me: his Majesty is in the Hall of Festivals with his subjects. Scrolls and memorials were being distributed for private discussions on matters of the empire. Afterwards, they will have lunch."

"Th-the scrolls?" Words were stuck on her throat.

"Yes, Your Highness."

In her hands, Noble Consort Qi shook with laughter. The woman was more than cunning.

Angrily, Lian shoved her away, causing her to topple onto the floor.

"Despicable woman, what have you done?" Li Lian swore.

Heat washed her body and she felt her being lighten, she was losing her sanity. The room swirled around her as she took a few steps back and rested against the wall.

Not on her wedding day, this couldn't be the end of her. She squeezed the blade in her hands until she bled, gaining feeling. It was the only thing that could ground her.

Blade against skin, that was the pain she did not want on her neck as Yuwen Hong's dragon sword slashed her to death.

Noble Consort Qi rolled on the ground and lay on her back.

"I warned you, now we are to meet in death." Her eyes gazed at the roof. In them was what Li Lian did not have in herself: the acceptance of fate and destiny to die on this day.

Li Lian shook her head and thrust the knife on the floor. Mimicking the loudness of her mind, it aggressively clattered on the wooden floor.

Li Lian would not die easily, not when she had something to do about it.

She pushed the door open and ran out, knocking aside Ai who stood on her path by the entrance.

"Your Highness! Where are you off to?" Ai shouted after her.

Li Lian grabbed her skirts to run faster. She could hear her heart beating, and her fingers began trembling against the soft fabric she held.

"Isn't that Her Highness?" The people she passed pointed at her.

"Why is she running with her hair in disarray?"

"Your Highness!" Ai screamed from behind. "Please, wait! Where are you going?"

Tears brimmed in her eyes but the wind against her face wiped them off.

"Your Highness!" Her entourage as well, not just Ai, were now chasing her.

Sweat beaded on her forehead as she huffed and puffed. Her lungs could not take it anymore but her eyes were focused on the goal of reaching the Hall of Festivals.

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