Duel of the Dragons II

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[Kisara's POV]

It was just another day here in the Spirit World like any other. Well, at least a day it could be when I'm not in the little world I made. My home with my brother back in the cave. I would have made a world that resembled the house that we once lived in with our parents, but I don't remember much of that place to create it. Believe me, I tried. Today was one of those days where I felt like walking through the forest.

This world was always so calming for some reason. The gentle breeze blowing through the trees making the sunlight shimmer along the waving grass like an ocean. I could hear the faint laughter of other Duel Spirits nearby. I decided to investigate to see what was going on. After walking a little bit more, and pushing some bushes out of my way, I could see what was going on. A Mokey Mokey, Kuribon, Key Mace, and some other spirits were all playing what looked like hide-and-seek. It was Key Mace's turn to seek with the other spirits running around to find places to hide. The one spirit to come over to my direction was Kuribon.

He was giggling and floating over to the bush I was watching from with his eyes closed. He paid for that mistake when he tripped over a rock and came barreling into the bush. I moved some of the branched out of the way to see the little adorable furball in a daze. There were stars circling above his head. The little cutie shook his head and then looked at me.

Kisara: "Why hello there, Kuribon. Playing with your friends?"

Kuribon nodded and cooed in happiness confirming her question. That seemed to be yet another mistake because Key Mace didn't just stop counting, but also heard Kuribon and was making his way over here. Kuribon looked at me with pleading eyes obviously asking me to help hide him from his friend. I gave him a wink and shuffled him behind me. Thankfully it was just in time for when Key Mace peeked over the bush.

Key Mace: "Maiden? What are you doing out here?"

Kisara: "Oh, I'm just out for a stroll and to go see a friend of mine. What are you up to?"

Key Mace: "Just playing with my friends. Speaking of which... Have you seen Kuribon? I thought I heard him over here."

Kisara: "Kuribon? Hmm... Nope! I haven't seen him."

Key Mace: "Ah, phooey! Thought I could find him first again."

Kisara: "I think I saw something move behind those trees over there though."

Key Mace: "Ah-HA! Ready or not, here I come!"

The little fairy went flying over towards here I pointed out probably giving up the Moki Moki that went in that direction. I turn my head back to look over to where I thought Kuribon would be, but he wasn't there. I swore that he was hiding behind me. My train of thought was interrupted when the feeling of something soft brushed against my leg. I look down to see Kuribon coming out from under my dress. He seemed relieved that he wasn't found. When he looked up to me on the other hand, all he saw was my annoyed face.

Kisara: "Don't you know it's rude to look up a girl's dress? Let alone hide in one?"

I clenched my fist making my power leak out a bit making a murderous aura. Kuribon shrieked as tears of fear streamed from his eyes. He cowered before me, and I could tell that he was asking for forgiveness. I sighed and let my power die down so he could relax.  

Kisara: "Pull a stunt like that again and I won't forgive you."

The little furball cooed nervously before speeding into the bush to resume his game. I shake my head and leave the area heading back on the path I was on earlier. It was almost ridiculous that a monster that Luna has in her deck would do something like that. My walk resumed through the forest like it had so many times before. I eventually reach a ridge where the path curved by, so I take a second to stop and look at the view. Below me was more of the forest until eventually it stopped living over by the mountain in the distance. The mountain where SHE was sealed away.

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