Bloom of the Black Rose

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Here we go, ladies and germs! The moment you've all been waiting for! It is time that you and Akiza finally meet, but how will it turn out? Will it be wholesome? Will it be short? What could possibly happen?! Well now the moment has finally come! Plus, I wanted to give a shoutout to rmejiag1 for his suggestion. I had completely forgotten about The Professor and that'll make things interesting. Thank you for the comment <3. Now on with the chapter!


[Akiza's POV]

I slowly flutter my eyes open seeing I'm in my bedroom once again. A smile was on my face since I've felt really happy. Happier than I have ever felt in my entire life. Ever since the night prior, I have snuggled with (Y/N) in the dreamscape. My cheek felt warm so I brought up my fingers tracing that warmth. I traced out the shape of a kiss and I instantly blush red. Ever since that night, I have felt more connected to him than ever, and I never want it to go away! Being with him felt so magical, like in the novels I'd read about knights and princesses, hoping that I would meet someone like that, and my wish has come true. I have met my knight, and today, I'm going to search for him.

Akiza: 'I have a good feeling about today.'

I look over the side of the bed towards the calendar I have on the wall. Today was Monday, and that meant that it was my free day, which meant only one thing. The clock next to my bed read that it was nine-fifteen in the morning. Thankfully I didn't sleep in, which does happen on occasion. I get up out of my and began my morning ritual. Washing myself, getting dressed, and grabbing my duel disk and deck. I've had to practice in the mirror to wear the same neutral face that I normally wear when I'm around others. No one has ever seen me happy and suddenly seeing me smile like it was nobody's business would attract people's attention. I grab my Black Rose cloak and mask from the corner of the room. I never was comfortable showing my face to others in public, especially when people would call me such mean things. The mask helped to make me feel comfortable while dueling against strangers. It's easier when you can hide behind some plaster and paint, even if it's only the size of your face. 

Akiza: "(Y/N). Wherever you are. I hope I get to see you soon."

I leave my room proceeding to head out the Arcadia Movement's headquarters. The guards never gave me any trouble, so when they saw me, they just nodded their heads at me and let me go about my business. I walk over to an alleyway so I could put on the cloak and my mask. Not many people were ever around at this time of day, so no one was around to question why a girl would walk into an alley. Now... no matter what happens today. No matter what people may call me. They won't see my face as I take pleasure in their misery, if they're being mean to me.

Akiza: "Next stop. KaibaPark."

----- One Hour Ago -----

[3rd POV]

It was a calm and quiet morning in the Tops district. The birds were chirping outside in the trees of Leo and Luna's home. The gentle morning breeze blew against the water making gentle ripples in the crystal-clear pool. Inside the apartment, Leo woke up with a loud yawn as he stretched out the sleep. He got out of bed heading down to the living room expecting to see his new dueling friend. Any sleep that remained in his body left when he saw an empty couch and no red duel runner in the hallway. His reaction to this discovery would not go unnoticed by the others who were either still sleeping or waking up themselves.


Luna: *groggily* "Tooth Fairy forget you again?"

Leo: "Luna! He took his runner and left!"

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