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Marinette's POV

Usually, I would just the horse miraculous to travel, but I had to legally enter the country, since I was going to be studying here for the next for years.

The plane ride was long, but it was to be expected.

Some part of me knew that if I told Damian I was coming to Gotham, he would be adamant about picking me up at the airport. Or he would send a private jet to come and collect me.

But I couldn't live my life for him, I had to live for myself.

We landed, and exited the plane, and I collected my luggage.

"Welcome to Gotham." I mutter under my breath, pulling my heavy suitcases behind me.

I hail a taxi, and tell him the address for the apartment building that I was living with.

The ride was ridiculously calm for Gotham City. I expected a major super villain to be lurking around every corner.

It felt unnatural, like the calm before the storm.

My parents were reluctant to let me go to Gotham City, but I assured them that I would be safe. Weeks of research had convinced them.

My apartment I had gotten was in the safer part of Gotham, if Gotham even had that. It was also right next to Gotham University, so I would be well within walking distance.

It was also where the rich and wealthy lived.

Perks of being MDC, was that I had a lot more money than I realized, and would every need for the rest of my life. I had done so many designs and projects during the last half of senior year that I lost count.

I have multiple magazine cut outs with praises of my designs, everywhere from Fashion Magazine to Vogue.

I took out my sketchbook in the taxi, trying to quickly jot down and outline sketches as the surroundings struck me with inspiration.

Eventually, I was dropped off in front of the building, and I got the keys to my apartment at the front desk. I had gotten a penthouse, so it would be easier for me to sneak out as Ladybug.

Through the glass windows, I watched the sun droop lower into the sky, past the dark clouds.

When the night came, so did the darkness. Off in the distance, police sirens sounded off, and I knew that it would be a nightly occurrence. I would have to invest in sound proofing if I chose to stay here.

Gotham City is everything that Damian told me it would be. A fresh start.

Once I got the peacock miraculous back, I could go anywhere I wanted to go in the world.

I transformed into Ladybug, and carefully snuck through the window. It was colder here, I couldn't feel it, but I could feel the wind blow past my face.

I smiled.

I dropped into the air, before quickly catching myself with my yo-yo.

The rush was undeniably exhilarating. It was what Paris lacked for me.

I swung towards the center of the city, looking for the vigilantes that protected this city.

I made my way to the cluster of skyscrapers, and landing on the tallest one, Wayne Tower. If Batman and his team was as smart as they said, then they would know where to find me.

Behind me, I can hear a small rock scuttling across the skyscraper roof. I wait a few moments, sensing the light movements across the metal.

And then I attacked.

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