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Marinette's POV

I loved Paris.

Truly, I did.

But without Ladybug, I felt like I had lost a purpose in my life. That I had just lost a huge part of myself.

And when I wasn't depressed enough to stay in my bed, I went out as her, swinging like it was any other day at patrol. But deep down, I knew it would never be the same.

At the end of our winter break, which had been extended due to the defeat of Hawkmoth, the trials for Lila and Gabriel Agreste had been set.

I thought it would take months for Hawkmoth and Lila to be taken to trial, but it looked like the city was ready to put them behind bars forever.

I had been called into testify at Lila's.

Even better, the government was having a full blown investigation of what had happened within our classroom, and Ms. Bustier had been fired for allowing it in her classroom.

I didn't know what teacher we would have when we went back to school, but hopefully it would be someone actually competent enough to teach us.

I had been called in as a witness to Lila's trial, and been asked questions about Mr. Agreste's business practices as I had won a few fashion competitions for him.

Chloe had been asked to testify, but she refused. She wanted nothing to do with the Miraculous anymore.

At Lila's trial, the whole class was there, either to participate or to be called onto the stand.

I knew that the truth would revealed, and everyone would see Lila Rossi for the monster that she was.

Lila looked horrible, pale with bags under her eyes, but at least her orange jumpsuit matched. I internally smiled when I saw her hands handcuffed to the table, unable to escape.

When it was my turn, I told the court everything.

Every threat, every lie, and everything of mine she had ever destroyed. I had happily showed pictures, videos, and evidence to prove what I was saying was true.

And then I started Alya right in eyes as I explained how Lila controlled the classroom, and how my friends turned on me while I was innocent.

My old friend's faces were coated with guilt, and I knew that they felt horrible about themselves.

I, for once, didn't feel bad at all.

Not even when Lila's 40 year sentence was announced with no chance at parole, and that she had millions of dollars of reparations to pay.

After the trial, I went home, and I stayed there. My parents brought up newspapers to me, with words that I had said at the trial.

"Our Everyday Ladybug" they all boldly announced in one way or another, and I couldn't help but laugh, and Tikki smiled at the words.

But then I felt sad, but I was missing our actual Chat Noir.

As expected, Adrien was gone.

He left to go live in England with his aunt and cousin. He left Paris behind, he didn't want anything to do with it after his Father. I didn't blame Adrien.

It was hard for me and Chloe to see him move on, and see him fade back into the person he had been before Chat Noir. He would still have more freedom than he ever had under the thumb of his father, though.

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