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Marinette's POV

Today was Halloween, and Chloe and I were getting ready at my house for tonight.

For Halloween, we were going to be Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. Yes, it was basic, but we felt like it fit our personalities almost perfectly.

I asked Damian if he wanted to join us, but he refused to join in on the "pagan holiday that encourages kids to engorge themselves on sugar for a night."

I texted him that my offer still stood if he changed his mind, and I was sad that Damian didn't want to come.

I sighed very loudly when I didn't get an immediate response, and Chloe looked up from painting her nails. "Mari, who are you texting?" She asks slyly.

"No one," I try to answer as nonchalant as I can. "I had to cancel another commission because I'm overwhelmed right now."

Chloe stares at me, straight in the eye. "You're just as bad as a liar as Lila. You would never cancel on someone after already approving their order." That insult stung, but it was true.

Chloe points towards the black dress, which is still draped across the mannequin. The one for one Selina Kyle that I'm so close to being done with. "So I'm going to give you another chance. Who. are. you. texting?" She says playfully, but I know she's serious.

"Chloe, I don't want to say who it is, because I'm pretty sure he just wants to be friends." I get out.

"He?" She questions.

Oh shi—.

I nod slowly.

"Was it the guy who was over at your house last night?" She mentions casually.

My eyes bulge out of my head, and I want to shrivel up on the spot. How did Chloe know about Damian ?

"No one was at my house last night. Why would you say that?" I say, avoiding her eye contact.

"Funny you say that, because when I went over to return your notebook last night, someone was picked up out front. 2 hours after the bakery closed," Chloe says, shining with glee that she's backed me into a corner I can't escape from.

I finish my makeup, and sigh. "Fine. It is a guy. But we're just friends, and I don't want to love someone who doesn't love me back." I reveal to Chloe.

"I didn't mean to make you feel bad," Chloe says, "I was just happy that you found someone after all the crappy stuff that happened between Adrien and Luka."

"It's fine Chloe. I should've told you anyways. I'm just... scared." I reveal.

Chloe walks over and hugs me, "It's okay to be scared, but if you keep guarding your heart, it's only going to hurt worse when you open up."

"I can't with Hawkmoth," I have too many emotions that have been bottled up. If I open the vault to my heart, I know it'll be too much, and Hawkmoth will be able to turn me into a puppet or his own making.

Chloe opens her mouth, but she's interrupted as we both hear a string of screams coming from outside. With one look, we both rush out to my balcony to see what was the disturbance. But deep down, I already knew what was happening.

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