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After Felicity told Alexander about her dating Ryan, she felt lighter. She felt like a weight had lifted itself from her shoulders. However, after that visit to the Amusement park yesterday, Alexander had not called her. In fact, she noticed that after her little reveal, Alexander acted a bit strange. He tried his best to hide it but she saw right through him.

Today she wanted to visit Ryan and spend some time with him. So she got dressed in blue denim jeans along with a white blouse and a white puffed jacket drives all the way to the city hospital.

"Is Dr. Ryan in his office?" Felicity asked a nurse passing by after she entered the lobby. There were initially some rumors going around in the hospital that Ryan and Felicity were dating because of how much Felicity used to visit Ryan during his free time but at the end of the day they were just some speculations and gradually they died down. Many just believed that she comes to visit him only to get her regular medical checkups.

"No he's on a round but Dr. Ryan asked us to make you sit in his office and wait if he isn't there," the nurse pointed towards his office and quickly left to attend to her patient in a nearby room. Felicity's heels clicked against the marble floor as she walked towards his office with her back straight like an iron rod.

"Have you seen her? She's one of the prettiest woman," As she was walking she overheard a nurse speaking from some distance. She thought they were talking snout her so she paused and turned her head to look at two nurses having a cheerful discussion.

"She's one of the smartest too," the second nurse nodded with a huge grin. By this time Felicity was sure that they weren't discussing her but someone else but by now she was so curious as to know who was this prettiest and smartest person that they were talking about.

"Has she been abroad all this time?" The first nurse questioned this time.

"Yes, miss Xia went abroad for her further studies and has returned," the other nurse spoke. When she heard the surname Felicity looked up and stared into the distance. She felt like she had heard about this Xia person but did not know from where. Shaking her head she decided to just walk towards Ryan's office. She opened the familiar door, entered his office and sat down on the chair in front of his desk.

She waited for a few minutes by then Ryan had returned. He had a gentle smile on his face as he made his way toward Felicity and sat on the chair beside her.

"Ryan," felicity smiled at him.

"Felicity," Ryan grinned.

"I bought a bento box for you," she put the little box, in her hand on the table and pushed it toward him.

"Ohh thank you so much I was hungry," he thanked her and opened the bento box. He started laying the dishes on the table and Felicity helped him.

Staring at her pale and slender  singers that were separating the two chopsticks, 'Why was she so sweet?" He thought to himself.

"What will you pay in return?" Felicity wriggled her eyebrows as she withdrew her hand that was about to hand him the chopsticks.

"Should I pay with my body?" Ryan teased with the huge grain on his face. This sort of teasing was a very normal thing for them, Felicity enjoyed teasing Ryan and so did Ryan in return. He realized that she was opening up a part of him that he never really know existed. He wasn't really a playful person before but things have changed since she came into his life.

"Lips would do for now," Felicity smiled. She didn't ask for anything more as she knew he was not comfortable with it also she just went for a kiss. She stared at his pink lips, her eyes watched the corner of his lips turn upwards and move closer to her own.

Slowly Ryan leaned and pecked gently on her lips, then he proceeded to kiss her forehead sweetly.

"Thank you miss," he pulled away and started eating.

"Kiazika came for her checkup today, her throat is back to normal. She made a fast recovery," even though he was sure that she already knew, he still informed her personally about the current situation and gave her a detailed update. Felicity nodded and listened seriously.

"She's a fighter," at the end, she spoke.

"Have you been well?" Ryan asked seriously. No matter how much he tried, he was not really there for her as much as he wanted to be and it pained him a lot.

"Not exactly, after the last incident, I feel like I'm incompetent. I couldn't protect my people," Felicity did not have any walls up when it came to Ryan she spoke honestly and told him how she felt.

"Hey, hey, it's ok, it happens. People are ruthless. You shouldn't blame yourself for their ruthlessness," Ryan gently comforted her and held her in his arms he rubbed her back and the back of her head. Making Felicity sigh and lean into him more. They stayed like that for a while, with her in his arms and him rubbing her back.

"Hmm, I'll be ruthless too," Felicity whispered loud enough so he could hear.

"You can be as ruthless as you want but don't loose yourself in the process," Ryan kept rubbing her back.

"Hmm..." She rested her head on his shoulder.

"I've prepared her medical records with hospital seal. These authentic documents have full details of the drug we found in her system and how it affected her throat." After a while, Felicity sat up straight. She looked at the file in front of her and glanced through it quickly.

"Thank you, this will be of great help."

On the other side of the city, a young and thin girl who looked as if she was sick, walked into a convenience store. She had a sweatshirt and sweat pants on, while her long hair was let loose. She looked casual, her overall appearance was of a timid and sickly young girl.

She went around the aisle and picked up a chicken sandwich and a pack of noodles. After she was done, she walked towards the cashier.

"That would be 11 dollars," the cashier spoke without looking up from his phone. The young girl tossed the money toward him and walked out of the store.

The girl rounded the corner of the street and kept walking towards her destination. Her footsteps were slow and evenly paced.

She walked and walked but her eyes kept glancing sideways as if they were checking something behind her. She was breaking into a cold sweat and her forehead was creased. Behind her, a figure in a grey shirt and black pants was following her, she started walking faster.

As she walked, her breathing got heavier, in a blink of an eye, the young woman was sprinting.

The man too ran behind her, after a while when the girl felt that she was no longer on a lonely street but a busy one, the sprinting woman stopped near a group of elderly women outside a hotpot restaurant and turned around to look at the man in grey shirt who had caught up with her...

"Why are you following me?" She gasped.

"I'm not here to harm you, can we have a talk," the man spoke adjusting his black mask. His brown eyes roamed around the face of the woman. Those brown eyes belonged to none other than Peter Unnao.


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