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On the second floor.

second to the right.

Ava held the door knock and open the door of the room.

Ava held the door knock and open the door of the room

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The room was dimly lit and quiet. Ava had an urge to pee for more than 20 minutes but she had to to control herself because she was feeling awkward and Felix was also there.

Being creature with social anxiety, she felt that she should just hold on for a few hours and then go home and pee like she always does but this time the urge was too strong.

So as soon as Felix left, she thought she should just have mercy on her bladder.

Sighing with relief when she closed the bedroom door, without a second of delay she ran towards the washroom.

After she was done with her business, she came outside and closed the bathroom door behind her.

"I see you must have been holding in for too long" a low voice sounded from the corner of the room near the area where couches were at.

Ava's eyes widened and her hands formed a tight fist.

Hissing she turn towards the culprit who was no other than the person she was trying to hide from.

"What are you doing here?" Ava ask trying to keep her voice as calm as possible.

Felix who was sitting on the couch holding his phone in one hand and another file in other, raised his eyebrows.

"This is my room" Felix said in a duh tone.

"Ohh sorry, I got the wrong room I guess" Wrong room my ass! She did it on purpose! These Lin women were sly as fuck!

"That's alright" Felix chuckled and put down the file in his hand. "If you face any difficulty in the the record label, just tell me." Suddenly he let out.

Even though the Lin's were not exclusively involved in the entertainment industry, they had good connections and a golden network of upper class families.

"We want this record label to be something that we did on our own but if we have no choice in future other than to to ask for help, we will gladly seek for it" Ava said nodding while she was still standing in front of the bathroom door.

She did not move as if her feets were stuck on the ground. There was an undescribable pressure on her body from his gaze. She had no choice but to stand there quietly and answer his questions.

"Well you are already going to  Jīnxīng for signing of the artist which was not possible without connections with the Lu's so I guess it's alright to use your advantages since you have it" Felix stood up and walked towards Ava  like a predator however his aura and expression were both gentle.

This was one of the reasons why Felix was so successful in the business circle and her parents liked him a lot.

He look like a gentleman from the outside but his moves were all calculated. A perfect black bellied prince.

If you will ask his enemies, they will say that he is like a snake.

A smile on his face but a vicious brain in his head.

One more thing that added up to the fact that Lin's kids were not normal.

The was an older brother who was black bellied.

A younger sister who was bold, confident and frank with her mouth.

And the youngest sister who was a nerd but not someone you can mess with.

Each of the siblings had quite a character.

it was impossible to think how they came out of two parents who had good temperament and were normal.

"Well I guess yeah" Ava said.

"I will accompany you and Davis to Jīnxīng" Felix said.

Despite how busy he was, he wanted to accompany her. Ahem. Them.

"Why?" Ava said and looked straight at him.

"No reason" Felix said and shrugged.

"Give me your phone."


"You phone, so that I can put my number in it. It will be easier to arrange my schedule to take you both there if I am in touch with you" Felix said and took a step towards Ava again.

His eyes were looking straight at her face as if boring burning holes in her body.

Every move, every glance, every word from him makes her more conscious.

Her eyes always follow him eagerly as if to take in all of his movements and actions and imprint them in her memories so she can rewind each and every moment she spends in his presence in her mind.

Like sand on seashore that gets caught by the waves and gets lost into the deap sea.

Never found again.

Her feelings were so raw and pure that that it felt as if the sea was calling for her and wanting to make her lose all her existence after touching the water.

It scared her.

She did not want to obsess over any other man again but needless to say, it wasn't an obsession and she was well aware of it.

If he would want her to leave him alone then she will leave him alone.

She won't take a initiative.

"I don't have my phone here but I will give you my number"

Ava gave him her number.

Suddenly wind blew and the curtains windows fluttered around casting shadows in the room.

The whole room was bathed in dim light and dark umbrage that letter the walls and floor.

They both instinctively looked towards the window and saw the bright Cresent moon in the sky.

It looked so peaceful and soothing.

"I feel that moon is especially very mesmerizing today" Ava said in a whisper.

The light wind accompanied with the rustling sound was filling the room. If Felix was few steps away from her, he wouldn't have heard her.

"Why?" Felix turned his gaze away from the moon and looked at Ava.

He suddenly felt that this young woman was very charming. When the glistening moonlight fell on her face, she looked ethereal as if the moon godddess was herself showering her blessings on her.

Ava's lips curved into a beautiful smile and her eyes turned into half cresent.

"No reason"

My babiessss!!!!!

Alix/ Feva for the win! (Which one?)

Stan Alix/ Feva for clear skin.

Fuck Felicity and Alexander! I'm living for these two babies.

One more chapter tomorrow/ day after tomorrow and then it will be the end of Arc 1.

See ya-


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