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"So..." Felicity looked up from her project papers and stared at Alexander patiently.

"What do u think?" They were currently at Alexander's apartment. Felicity had invited herself over because she wanted him to go through her project papers of a startup business plan and proofread them for her.

"It's..hmm," Alexander tapped on the table and flipped to the next page.

"It's what?" Felicity asked curiously.

"It can be better, it lacks the basic practicality. The idea is great but it is not feasible. First, the initial Investment can be decreased, then the product cost is massive. You haven't analyzed the market that you are targeting yet and fixed the price according to the target market. The earnings would not even cover the marginal cost in the initial years and the business will collapse very soon," Alexander gave a detailed analysis of what he thought of the project that she had come up with.

Felicity stared at him as he explained and explained, there was something about him when he spoke seriously about a business that really made people feel freezing dominance radiating off of him. He looked like a leader, someone you can't help but listen to and follow.  She had never seen it in anyone else.

Nobody could ever dominate her mind with his presence the way he was doing right now. He looked serious, cold, and formal. He was a natural-born leader and when he spoke, he spoke with confidence and sheer assertion.

"So basically it is bad," Felicity snapped out of it and sighed.

"No you just need to make the initial investment, and product pricing more reasonable. Basically, make the business more practical," Alexander laughed. He always felt that Felicity had the talent to do well in business. She was confident, assertive and dominant. She was a little impatient when making big business decisions but he was more than ready to help her sharpen her skills and come to her best potential.

He wanted her to be successful. He wanted her to catch admiration and attraction wherever she went. A very small part of him for some reason disliked the thought of her catching others' attention but he didn't know why. As her friend, he should want her to be popular and well-known for her amazing talents right?

"Hmm," Felicity's brain started pondering over what he just said and she started to wonder what she could do to make the project better.

"Don't lose the originality though, it is your unique proposition," Alexander closed the file and handed it over to Felicity. Then he reached out and rubbed the top of her head with a smile. His dragon like eyes turned into slits with pure joy and raw affection.

"Okayyyy, thank you! You're literally a lifesaver," Felicity took the file and capture it beside her. Then she turned towards him and watched him take off his reading glasses and put them calmly inside the drawer of this desk.

"It's alright."

"Were you busy?"

"No I wasn't," Alexander shook his head but Felicity could see a couple of files on the side of his table, one at the top had a pen in between its pages and a laptop on the side that seemed to be sleeping.

Felicity: Fairytale Of A VillainessWhere stories live. Discover now