Chapter 22

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The next opponent against each other was Indra VS Kenjutsu Girl who style involves attacking muscle tendons. When the fight start out an their swords clash, to everyone it may seem like their evenly match. The girl is only using basic Kenjustu techniques taught to every, which I received from the system whereas Indra technique is self-created. However, you can see the amount of pressure Indra put on the poor girl who was gritting her teeth. Until finally the girl used her legs to jump up an backflip away from Indra.

Indra was caught off guard by this maneuver, however he quickly recovered by using using fire style and lightning style. Even though this girl can evade must of these attacks, the battle flied was in disarray with debris everywhere. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain on her back, Making her fall down in agony. She tried to get up only to find out the pain is coming from her spine, she slowly started passing out from the pain.  Behind her you can see Indra with a bloody sword with  his sharingan activated.  

Sara was nicknamed the fuinjustu genius by the audience, even though I don't agree, I will let be ...  for now. I was getting excited for the next match between Sara an the girl who uses lightning ninjutsu. When the match first started Sara used Earth Release: Tunnelling Technique to escape lightning then Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique. Ever so often she would use a rock clone to attack only for them to get destroyed. However the black haired girl finally got serious and used Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking to attack her opponent, which forces Sara to bring her actual self to the surface.

This felt like the match was reseted to the audience, except you can still see debris. Sara began by using Mud bullet while the he black haired girl used Lightning ball.The user creates spheres of electrical energy and launches them at the enemy. When they makes contact with the enemy, the spheres electrocute them and throw them back. Sara had to use Earth Release Barrier: Earth Prison Dome of Magnificent Nothingness to block the attack. Suddenly  anotherSara popped up from nowhere an used Earth Release: Fist Rock Technique  an knocked the other girl out.

Once the match was over the fourth intermission happened. All anyone can talk about is how Sara will be pummeled to oblivion by Indra Otsutsuki, Lord Kusho's nephew. "Poor girl, her fate is sealed, have you seen how fast the young lord moves."

"Didn't you hear he's the son of the sage of six path's "

"I heard the sage of six paths have two sons, which one is he the mediocre one or the genius?"

"Hmm... I don't know but imagine if he's the mediocre one then the genius is terrifyingly powerful."

When the round began Indra rushed towards Sara, with his speed and agility plus with his activated sharingan  she couldn't think clearly. Every time she tried to use earth style  to get rid of his balance he would just jump in the air an drop down closer to her. She even used Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation but ultimately failed when his reaction time was faster than she can process. She couldn't even put down kunai with seals on them because Indra was using his sword which at this put was using a lot of lightning chakra to cut the kunais in half. Indra kept charging forward like a juggernaut

Sara suddenly used Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm.This technique causes the ground surrounding the enemy to spiral inwards on itself, burying them alive or crushing them. Jumping high on atop of the rubble Indra avoid most of the attacks but he still had to destroy any incoming rock.Sara was close to running low on chakra but she was determine to win she used her last amount of chakra on Earth Release: Bottomless Swamp. The user turns the ground around a target into deep mud, causing the target to sink into it until reaching their neck. The mud is very thick, making it difficult for the target to free themselves. She passed out after executing the Justu, she never found out if she trapped him or not.

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