The Mom and Children

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No One's POV

It was the last day of school for Winter Break, and Eclair was looking at the clock as she could barely wait to get out of school today. When class was dismissed she quickly ran out of her class to make it to the entrance of the school. As usual (Y/N) was waiting for her, for both of them to smile when they saw each other. They said hello to each other for them to get ready to head home, but stopped when they saw that the ground was completely covered in snow. The snow went to Eclair's stomach, making her worry. Her boyfriend was calm though as he grabbed Eclair's bag and bent down showing Eclair his back, "Hop on." Eclair became a little flustered but was quick to hop onto his back.

(Y/N) started walking for him to look back at Eclair, "Are you warm enough?" Eclair nodded, "I'm fine." They continued for Eclair to end up resting her head on her lover's head. She had a comforting smile as they stayed in blissful silence for most of the walk. When they arrived at Eclair's house (Y/N) set his girlfriend down on her front step. (Y/N) kissed her cheek to smile at her, "I'll see you tomorrow." Eclair smiled back to then look behind (Y/N) to see that the snow had actually started coming down faster. She looked up at (Y/N), "Why don't you come in and wait until the snow dies down." (Y/N) raised his ears, "But your mom is home." Eclair put her hands on her waist, "You'll have to meet at some point. Plus, she wouldn't let someone walk through the freezing snow." (Y/N) looked nervous but decided to stay was he looked behind him and did not want to walk to his home in the current weather. 

Eclair walked into her house to see her mom, in the living room as she was decorating the house for Christmas. Her mom noticed her daughter, "Oh Eclair. Welcome home dear." Eclair smiled at her, "Hi mom. I brought a guest if you don't mind." "Of course not. It's snowing so hard, nobody should be walking in this weather." "Great, because it's my boyfriend." (Y/N) stepped into view to awkwardly wave at the older woman, "Hi Eclair's mom." The mother gave a blank stare at the tall wolf hybrid, "Oh, well I'm sure that wolves have enough fur to walk in the snow." Eclair puffed her cheeks out, "Mom!" Eclair's sister appeared next to her mom, "Woah, lets take it easy. Its cold outside, we can't just let him walk home. How about if he stays in the living room where he can have someone watching him constantly. The mother squinted her eyes at (Y/N), "Fine." She pointed at the couch, "Sit." (Y/N) was quick to sit down for Eclair to walk up to him and kiss his cheek, "I have to work on a project that's due tomorrow. I'll be back to keep you company." She then left for her sister to leave as well. Now it was just the wolf hybrid and the bunny mother.

The mom continued cleaning for (Y/N) to sit in silence. As she was cleaning (Y/N) noticed a scar on the left side of the woman's collarbone, as it looked like a deep cut. (Y/N) was going to ask about it, but whenever he went to speak the mom would look at him with a deep glare. He has never been as scared as he has been at the moment. After a while the rabbit woman looked at (Y/N), "I have to go take care of something. Stay right there and don't move a muscle." (Y/N) nodded for the rabbit hybrid to leave the room. As (Y/N) was sitting alone he felt a little tug on his shirt sleeve. He looked down to see the oldest of Eclair's younger siblings looking up at him, "Are you Eclair's boyfriend?" (Y/N) nodded, "Yes I am. And may I ask who you are?" The little boy pointed at himself, "I'm her younger brother." (Y/N) smiled, "Oh, well hello. It's nice to meet you." The little boy tugged on his arm again, "Come play." (Y/N) sweated a little, "I'm sorry, but I can't leave this couch." The boy looked up at (Y/N) to then look down as he thought for a second.

Ten minutes later Eclair walked into the kitchen to grab a drink, to stop when she heard a bunch of giggling and laughter. Eclair looked into the living room to see her two younger sisters and brother playing with (Y/N). Her boyfriend was holding the youngest sibling up with his right arm as she was messing with his hair and putting in a lot of hair ties. The other sister and brother were playing at the restaurant as they had brought a lot of plastic toys to play with. The youngest noticed Eclair to look at her, "Big sis! Come help with (Y/N)'s makeover!" Eclair looked at her boyfriend who was looking back along with the two other siblings. A few minutes later Eclair was helping give (Y/N) a makeover for her to try holding in her laughter, along with her siblings trying to do the same.

Meanwhile, Eclair's mom and dad were watching from around the corner. The mom had her arms folded, "I don't trust him." Her husband looked at his wife, "I know that you've had a rough past with those with predator features, but he seems like a good guy." "Anyone can hide who they truly are." "You trust our daughter don't you?" "Of course I do." "Well Eclair trusts (Y/N) and she has been around him long enough to know who he truly is, and he is a good person." The mother looked at Eclair as she was putting blush on her boyfriend's cheeks. She giggled a little for (Y/N) to be smiling. The mother sighed for the afternoon to continue, everyone ate dinner and went to bed soon after. (Y/N) was given an air mattress to sleep on. When morning came the snow storm stopped allowing (Y/N) to go home.

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