Bonus Chapter 2...

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Tasha's POV.....

"You made us late."

"No I didn't. You weren't even dressed."

"Because you kept trying to take my clothes off!"

"Not my fault you look good in everything."

I rolled my eyes at Trevor's comment but a smile tugged at my lips. He really was the reason we were late for our date night but comments like that made it hard to be mad. Not that I can be when I had two earth shattering orgasms before we left.

"You're insatiable."

"And you love it." Leaning down Trevor kissed the top of my head. The action making my heart flutter. We've been together four months now and every time he did something like that it brought butterflies to my stomach. There's not a day that goes by that I don't fall more in love with this man.

"Yeah, yeah." I shoved him as he opened the door for me. "You're a chronic flirt."

"Only with you." Trevor smacked my ass as I walked in front of him. I couldn't fight the grin any longer.

"There you are." Josie called out as we came out by the ice rink. "Thinking you two weren't going to show."

I didn't miss the smirk on her face as she looked between Trevor and I.

As Trevor went to greet Wyatt, Bryton and Landon, I made my way over to my girls. Josie, Sydni and Lydia were sharing a grin as I approached. Over the last couple of months Trevor and I have been known for showing up late because of...things. Something our friends have teased about endlessly.

"Blame Trevor." Was all I said.

"Uh huh." Josie just smirked.

"Are you guys ready to lose?" Bryton called out to us as the guys moved towards the benches.

"We are so going to kick their asses." Josie muttered, glaring over at her fiancé.

A week ago while we were all having dinner together, the guys made a comment about how us girls couldn't win a hockey game against them. Not the smartest thing to say in front of four very independent women. Next thing I know we are agreeing to play a small game against the guys.

I wasn't hopeful that we would win. I mean hello. Us four girls that barely knew how to skate.Lydia could barely stand up, so against four professional hockey players....we didn't stand a chance. Even though Landon wasn't in the NHL like the others he played at University and owned a rink for crying out loud.

So yeah, I wasn't that hopeful about us winning but I wasn't going to say that out loud. Not with the determined looks on both Josie and Sydni's face. Lydia sent me a wide eyed look. She tried to get out of doing this but without her we'd be down a person.There may have been other motives involved as well.

We all see how she acts around Landon. We aren't sure if something happened in Australia between the two of them but they've been keeping their distance ever since. So Jo has made it her mission to force them together at every opportunity. This being one of them.

"We got this." I whispered, linking my arm with hers. The look she sent me said otherwise.

When we got near the benches, where Landon already got the skates and sticks ready, I left Lydia next to Landon. He can help her with the skates. With a smirk in her direction I went to sit next to my boyfriend.

By time I sat down and took off my shoes Trevor already had his skates on and was ready to go. I leaned down to grab my own skate but before I could it was yanked out of my reach. I bit my lip as Trevor squatted down in front of me.

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