Chapter 29...

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*The rest of the book is now complete! I do recommend going back and reading from the start so the book blends together better, don't have to of course but it would flow better. 

But happy binge reading! Love you guys! <3 <3*

"We are going to have a sleepover." Lily, one of my youngest clients, said with a wide grin. I mirrored her grin, feeling her excitement. In the last few weeks Lilly has really grown into herself. Before I left for Australia she was starting to make friends and now here she is having a sleepover with three girls from school.

"That's fantastic Lily. I'm so glad you are branching out and made some friends."

"Hannah loves to read like I do." Lily went on to tell me all about her friends. I sat there watching as she smiled more than I've ever seen. It's amazing to see her progress and how far she's come from the day she stepped into my office.

A few months ago she didn't even want to interact with anyone at school. I've had to slowly work to even get her to talk to me. And now she's here beyond giddy talking about her friends. In a way I almost felt like a momma bird watching her baby grow.

As our session drew to a close I made a note on my pad to call her parents. They definitely could see the difference in their daughter but it's always a good thing to be on the same page as the parents. Talk about seeing if Lily wants to see me every other week instead of weekly.

"Can I call you this weekend and tell you about it?" Lily asked, looking at me with hopeful eyes. I don't typically give clients my number or let them call me unless its an absolute emergency. But seeing Lily's wide eyes and knowing how big of a deal this is, I nodded.

Getting up I went over to my desk and grabbed one of the business cards that had my work number on it. Flipping it over I scribbled my personal number on it.

"Call me whenever you want, I'll answer."

"Thank you Tasha." With a bright smile she lunged forward, wrapping me in a hug. I hugged her back with a start. She pulled back and gave me a small wave before heading out the door. I stared after her a tiny bit shocked.

Shaking my head I grabbed my notepad and headed for my desk. Mr. Waltham was set to come in a bit before I could leave. Trevor had another game tonight and I was going to be cutting it a bit tight with Mr. Waltham and getting home to change.

A knock sounded on my door ten minutes later signaling Mr. Waltham was here. Yelling for him to come in, I grabbed my notebook just for him and moved away from my desk.

"Good afternoon, dear." I grinned at him as he stepped into my office.

"Good afternoon, Henry."

"Did you know you have a very tall, attractive man in your waiting room?" My eyebrows shot up.

"I do?" He gave me a nod as I moved around him towards the door. "Just give me a moment."

I knew exactly who it was. With a grin fighting to break free on my face I stepped out of my office. Standing there leaning against my receptionist's desk was Trevor. My poor receptionist, Sofie, was staring at Trevor with bright red cheeks looking beyond flustered. Trevor will do that to a woman.

"Hey." At the sound of my voice Trevor straightened up, turning to me with a bright grin. My eyes immediately looked him up and down, sucking my bottom lip between my teeth at the sight of him.

My eyes raked over muscular thighs clad in a pair of dark grey slacks. Up to the black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His arm tattoos on display. His hair was perfectly styled back. My fingers itched to run them through his hair. Not to mention the sexy scruff on his face.

Fear of IntimacyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon