Bonus Chapter 1...

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Trevor's POV

Mature themes ahead.....

God she was perfect. That was all that came to mind as I laid there watching Tasha sleep. Her blonde hair was slipping out of the bun she put it in earlier; strands falling across her face. She was curled up against my chest, legs draped around my waist.

When Tasha slept she became a koala bear. She literally became so clingy it was adorable. If I so much as tried to move she would cling to me tighter and would groan deep in her throat. Which is why I am currently still laying here, arm numb from her laying on it, and legs aching from the game last night.

Staring down at her my chest got tight. Last night was...I don't have any words to describe last night. Somehow this beautiful, funny, smart woman fell in love with me. The moment those three words left her lips I was completely done for.

I meant every word I said. I fell for Tasha the moment I met her. The moment those gorgeous eyes met mine that night I knew I was done for. Knew this girl was going to wreck my life in the best way possible. She didn't know it at the time. Yet here she is and she's all mine.

Being in a relationship is hard for someone like me who's in the spotlight. Most would think being a professional athlete is great, especially for finding a girl. In a way they aren't wrong. Women throw themselves at you day in and day out but that doesn't mean they actually want to be with you.

You learn fairly quick that women will use you for money, for clout, to show their friends that they snagged a rich hockey player. They are called Puck Bunnies for a reason.

I won't lie, I've been with my fair share of women. Not letting myself get attached to anyone. Becoming the 'fuck boy' of the team and wearing the title quite proudly. Until about a year ago.

Right before Wyatt met Josie I got tired of the meaningless sex. Seeing Sydni and then Josie at games cheering the guys on. My best friends having someone to go home to at the end of the night. I've always had the mentality of not getting close to someone so they can't hurt me. Of leaving before feelings could be formed.

But the moment I laid eyes on Tasha Davis that changed. I saw someone that was feisty, strong, independent, selfless. I had made it my mission to get close to her and while the last few months have been hard here we are.

Tasha in my bed. Right where she belongs.

With the urge to get as close to her as humanly possible I slowly lifted her leg off of me and gently twisted her to lay on her back. With her off of me I was able to sit up and admire her from a different angle. The dirty thoughts that ran through my mind had me smirking.

Peeling back the covers I slide down the bed. I kept my eyes on Tasha to see if she'd wake up before I got into position. She didn't so much as move as I got to my favorite place in the world. In-between her thighs.

She was still naked from last night which made this even easier for me. I needed to taste her more than I needed oxygen.

Without wasting another second I grabbed her thighs and spread her open. The sight before me greater than any other on the planet. I could die right now and I'd be happy. My grip tighten as I trailed my nose along her inner thighs.

I felt Tasha start to move under me and smirked. She wasn't awake yet but she was about to be. Unable to hold back anymore I ran my tongue along her slit. I groaned low in my throat at the taste of her.

Flattening my tongue I licked the entire length of her pussy, my dick getting hard in my sweats. The taste of her the most addicting thing on the entire planet.

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