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2 long updates in 2 days!! who even am i😲😢😢


"yes, i will! bye papa!"

thea ended the phone call to her dad, humming to herself as she finished packing her bag for uni.

today was her birthday. a day she usually loved but one she now hated because it wouldn't be with her family. although, she was glad that she had aliyah and the other boys with her.

walking into the kitchen, she began to pour herself a bowl of cereal when she heard a buzzing on the intercom. the brunette girl walked over with a frown and became even more confused when she saw kai havertz on the screen.

"uh- hey kai?" she spoke, pressing down on the button she he could hear her. "is everything alright.

"can i come up?" he asked

"uh, i mean i'm just about to head off-"

"it's an emergency."

"oh. okay. well yeah then sure."

she clicked on the other button, allowing him to come into the flat block. now, she was not only confused but also nervous as she could not think of any reason why he would be visiting her at 7am on a friday morning.

unlocking the flat door with her key, she peered down the stairwell to see him hurriedly walking up the stairs. once he reached the top, he greeted her with a smile.

"happy birthday!" he spoke softly, no urgency in his voice.

"uh, thank you?" thea replied, welcoming him into her flat. "is everything alright?"

"great actually!" he grinned. "pack your bags."

"huh?" thea blurted out. "for uni? well i just finished packing it a few- "

"no not that bag," he shook his head. "your suitcase."

thea gave him a confused look.

"don't ask questions - just pack!"

he quickly rushed her into her room.

"okay! okay!" she laughed shortly. "my suitcase is in the airing cupboard next to the toilet. y'know the one you accidently went into the first time you came here?"

"ha, ha. yes i remember," he rolled his eyes, but going to get her suitcase anyway.

"what stuff do i need to pack and how much?" she called out.

kai shrugged, walking back wiht her suitcase before opening it. "for a couple days. just whatever stuff you wear normally?"

"a couple days?!" she half shrieked, "what the hell are you planning havertz?"

"you'll see, now pack quick!"

quizzically, she gave him a glance before quickly packing the bag. she put in a couple tops,jumpers and trousers, under garments of course and a pair of pajamas. then, she decided to throw in one of her nice outfits, because why the heck not.

"oh, you'll also need your passport."

"what?" she inhaled sharply, "i swear you are going to be the death of me kai lukas havertz."

he just grinned at her as she quickly grabbed her toiletries from the bathroom and stuffed it into the suitace, before taking her passport out from one of her draws.

she placed it in a small shoulder bag along with her purse, a portable charger and a few other small items.

"perfect. now let's go."

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