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"here it is. the infamous becker's cafe."

thea gestured towards the cafe as her and kai stood a couple feet in front of it. his eyes trailed across the building, taking it all in.

"i like it," he grinned.

"come on let's go inside," thea spoke, traipsing towards the front door to unlock it.

pushing the door wide open, kai walked in first with her behind him. she flicked on the light switch, a warm glow emitting from the ceiling.

the chairs were turned on top of the tables, all the aprons were on the hooks, the display bakes had been taken away room the window at the counter. it was close to being dead inside.

"let me show you the kitchen," she gleamed as the walked round the counter. thea took a second key from the ring of keys in her hand and unlocked the door to the kitchen.

a buzzing noise sounded as she turned on the lights, revealing the small - yet usually bustling - kitchen.

"this place is so cool," kai murmured, "i can't belive you run it by yourself."

"well there are other employees. but i would never have been able to do this without heidi," she admitted, "and i think if my dad didn't work weekends i would go crazy.

"did you work here when you still want to school, too?" he asked, resting his arms comfortably on the clean work top.

thea nodded, "i've worked here as long as i can remember to be honest. i think i started helping out when i was 11 or 12 but that was just on weekends. but then i properly started working here part time when i was 15 or 16. and then this became my full time job when i finished school and was 18."

"did you always know this was what you wanted to do?" he asked, cocking his head to the side curiously.

"i-i mean...yeah," she stammered, "i think?"

is this what i want to do? she mentally asked herself.

"i've always been surrounded by baking. i love so so much," she shrugged, "but there wasn't really an alternative option...i don't think."

kai listened to her intently as she spoke.

"well not that i could afford to go to a good university anyways," she laughed dryly before shrugging off the subject, "what about you? did you always want to be a footballer?"

"definitely," he answered instantly, "i'm not really sure why football...but it was since i was little. i just remember having a football with me since the day i could walk."

thea smiles softly as kai talked passionately about his love for football. a small part of her wished she still felt that way about the bakery.

"so...them biscuits?"

"oh yes!" thea cleared her throat, standing up straight, "we made a fresh batch yesterday so you're lucky!"

she walked over to the pantry, getting out the box of the caramel biscuits and placed it on the worktop, kai on the opposite side, facing her.

"you know how when hei- i, i messaged you about the biscuits and how they were new to the menu?"

"yeah?" kai nodded.

"they actually became a massive hit!" thea grinned, "they are definitely a customer favourite.

"then i have high expectations," kai mused, a smile on his face as he watched thea take out one large dish from a cupboard.

"that totally doesn't stress me out at all," thea pulled a face.

"i'm sure they're amazing," kai reassured her as the girl placed a few biscuits in the plate.

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