46....winter babyshower

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Y/n had a month left over of her pregnancy.  Her cramps gotten worse Stephany and vivian were both there to help her with things.  Ever since her bump gotten bigger it was hard for her to get up off the couch and bed so it was up to cole and the othera to help her up sometimes. 

While she was standing up in the kitchen Vivian comes back over from decorating the house for the babyshower.  The banners hung here and there on the tables that were set up was some small bags of course.  On the counter was some chocolates y/n was craving the Reese's and mint kitkats.  She reaches for it until cole pops out from the corner with a mischievous smile on him. 

"You were about to go for the chocolate werent you"

"So im craving chocolate you cant say anything about it"

She grabs the chocolate and turns around cole jumps over the counter he grabs her shoulder to see the opened chocolate in her mouth he smirks.  Leaning in close their lips touched as he stole the chocolate from her mouth with his teeth.  She quickly pulls away with a blush he chuckles licking his lips with the chocolate going inside his mouth. 

"H-hey give that back!!!"

"Come get it back~"

She pulls him by the collar and kisses him slipping her tongue inside his mouth he deepens the kiss while holding the back of her head.  Y/n got the chocolate back but then cole starts to steal it again she refuses it and swallows the entire chocolate.  Their baby kicked her inside again causing the girl to pull away hunching over. 

"Hey I was gonna eat that"

  He extends his arms out she turns around as he wraps his arms around her.  There was a knock at the door he leaves the room to open the door to have the girls family members and of course Zach.  Cole glares at him for a split second until they walked inside y/n spots Zach who spots her in return he jogs over to embrace her in his arms.  Cole didnt like this, Max was standing next to cole giving deathly glares.  He watches them go to the livingroom talking while the tv was on playing a movie he also seen that his hand helped her sit down. 

Zach sits down next to her just chatting with her.

"You've gotten bigger last time I seen you"

"Yeah...it is getting harder to get up off the couch etc."

"You know that the plan is almost in motion were just waiting for the right moment but im afraid that it will have to wait until the birth of the little girl.."

"How did you know about the gender"

"Your mom told me amd to be honest Max is a great kid he likes me better than cole over there"

"Ill be free soon..?"

"Yes i can promise you that and when your away from him ill be the one there with you"

There moment was soon interrupted by max himself he smiled at them both but cole was busy with the guests coming in. 

"Hi sis.." He hugs his sister who hugs him back.

"Hey Max its been awhile since I seen you..."

"Yeah it has when can you and Zach date i like him more he seems respectful hell he even protects our family"

"He does?"

"Yeah it has say I got a mission for you"

Max's face brightens up.

"You should go and cause a ruckus over there where cole is"

"Dont have to repeat that...i got something in mind"


Everyone was eating their food y/n and cole stood up to head into the center of the room.  Everyone was staring at them coles father brought over the smoke bomb.  Cole rests his palm amongst her waist he looks up at everyone.  Coles mother was recording everything as Zach was in the front watching them closely. 

"Alright guys since we've all been enjoying the food and entertainment we would like to show everyone our surprise for the baby"

He looks down at his pregnant wife with loving eyes.  He opens the smoke bomb to let out the smoke it started out as bright color until the color started to change.  Everyone was cheering for them except for the girls family.  The pink smoke was surrounding them both.

Cole gently kisses her on the cheek the girl looks over at Zach he nods his head slightly.  As he then disappeared in the crowd. 

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