41...max's revenge

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It's been a few hours y/n was talking away with jakes wife Stella who was holding a newborn baby boy.  Coles nephew Adam kept bugging the shit out of cole stephany and Vivian both come over to greet Stella. 

"Im sure my brother has been over protective over you and also seeing that your family now im sure well be around more especially since your carrying his child so be expecting us to come over more often"

"I guess so...but I guess my family will be here any minute now and-"

Rapid knocking could be heard at the front door cole goes to answer it. 

"Why you!!!!!!"

"Oh fuck!" Cole starts running having Max trailing behind him in such fury.  Y/n's parents come in the house respectfully and turn their gaze to their daughter her mother walks up to her and notices the small baby bump forming on her. 

"Guess he was right can we talk in private please"


The girls mother takes her daughter to a desolate room and locks the door behind her.  She turns around to face her daughter.  Walking up to y/n she holds her hands gently in hers she speaks in relief.

"Zach is wanting to see you personally so please try and get some space away from cole as much as possible"

"The only way i can do that mom is if I go on a walk in the backyard"

"Perfect....man you should've seen your father he was highly upset about the news of your pregnancy"

"S-sorry mom i didnt mean to-"

"Its okay dont be sorry but for now zach came with us to this house and he's waiting outside so if you can maybe go to the backyard alone that will be fine"

"Wait he came back!?"

"Yes and if you want i can text him now"

"Please text him mom theres things I need to discuss with him"

"Of course and dont think that I'm letting cole off the hook right now I need to take care of max from trying to kill your husband" oh right she forgot about that.  Her mother immediately texts Zach.  Within a few seconds a response could be sounded.

"He's heading into the backyard now so you might wanna go out there now"

"Sure thing mom.."

Y/n's mother watches her daughter head out of the room to the backyard as she heads downstairs where Max had cole in a headlock.  His arms were flailing wildly pleading for help. 

"Somebody help me!!!!"

"You bitch!! That's my big sister!!"

He is currently struggling in his hold even though he's older than Max but Max was quicker than cole. 

"Aaahhh jake!!!!! Get this little gremlin off me!!"

"I dont think i want to helo you out you probably mustve deserved it"

"All i did was impregnate my wife thats all aaagh!!!" Max tightens his thighs around coles ribs.  The girls mother and the other mothers chuckle seeing cole in a struggle.  In the corner stood coles father lightly clapping his hands could be applauding the kid. 

Y/n heads outside into the backyard where zach stood with his hands in his hoodie pocket he turns his head over his shoulder as he struts over.

"So I heard the entire pregnancy news and stuff how are you holding up"

"Not good he is always hovering over my shoulder"

"Well we can catch up more lets head in the woods where its more private"

"Yeah...your right Zach"

She follows him closely as he holds her hand.  A few minutes later they were at a nearby dock where a lake reflects the woods.  Zach takes her other hand in his soft warm one.  They stood in silence untik he spoke softly.

"Im relieved that you haven't been hurt in any way"


"Y/n....i have been feeling so concerned about your safety if...i could do anything to keep you safe i would and...i-i... I"

"What are you saying Zach?"

"Listen I...lo-"

"You look out for me?.."

"No that's not it"

"Then what is it Zach"

"Theres something more than looking out for you y/n....its just hard to explain" he leans closer to the girl her face slightly blushing

"Zach what's going on.." Her words were cut off as his face was drawing closer. 

"Y/n I...think.."

"Whats wrong Zach?"

"Nothing boss absolutely nothing"

He softly kisses her lips as her eyes closed alongside his.  The kiss last for a couple of seconds.  He pulls away from the girl blushing slightly. 

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