Chapter Forty One

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"I always thought it was weird that you never invited me over to your place but I get it now," Lorenzo said with a chuckle as he looked around Kingsley's massive room.

"You never asked to come over either," Kingsley replied as he turned around to face Lorenzo. Both of them were lying naked on his bed, just done with their second round of sex.

"I figured maybe you had roommates or something, and since we were keeping our thing hidden... my house just seemed like the safer option," Lorenzo explained.

"Makes sense," Kingsley hummed.

"I like your apartment," Lorenzo stated.

"I don't," Kingsley said casually. "I like yours more. It's personal and... homely."

"You can put up some pictures on your walls and get some plants, maybe. Spruce up the place a bit," Lorenzo suggested.

He, too, had noticed how empty Kingsley's apartment was despite the state of the art furniture. It almost looked like a demo home, and not like somebody had been living there for years now.

"Maybe," Kingsley muttered. Lorenzo reached forward to play with Kingsley's hair, which had gotten longer since the time he quit his old job. Kingsley's mind was racing a thousand miles per hour once again, and he couldn't help but overthink. "So, are we... are we together now? Like together together?"

"You're asking if we're in a relationship?" Lorenzo raised a questioning brow. Kingsley paused for a second, before nodding. "I'd like to believe we are. And that we're exclusive to each other. Of course, only if you want to be as well. I know I do."

"I do too," Kingsley replied. "I'm tired of running and hiding."

"So am I," Lorenzo said with a soft smile on his face as he twirled Kingsley's hair between his finger. "Boyfriends, huh? Who would've thought?"

"I haven't done this... relationship stuff in a long while. My last one was in high school which is completely different now that we're both busy adults. So I... I'm going to try my best but I know I'll mess up from time to time," Kingsley admitted.

"We're human, we make mistakes. I know sometimes I let my fears overwhelm me and do stupid things, but I promise I'm going to do my hardest to be the best boyfriend possible," Lorenzo said. "I want to make you the happiest man alive."

"Being with you makes me happy."

"You make me happy too," Lorenzo smiled.

"This just got very corny," Kingsley muttered, breaking their eye contact as he awkwardly looked away. He wasn't used to having a heart to heart anymore. Lorenzo chuckled as he kept a hand on Kingsley's cheek, grazing it gently with his thumb.

"See? We're already doing boyfriend stuff," Lorenzo grinned.

"I'm going to bite your hand," Kingsley grumbled, feeling his cheeks get hotter. He wasn't easily flustered, but that's just the effect Lorenzo had on him.

"Kinky," Lorenzo winked, making Kingsley look back at him with a blank expression on his face as he struggled to keep from smiling.

"Sure. If you're into that," Kingsley said.

"Only thing I wanna be into is you," Lorenzo replied as he shifted closer, wrapped his arms around the other man. Lorenzo was big on cuddling, something he had earlier kept at bay. But now he was letting it all out.

"I'm going to bite your shoulder," Kingsley said in a muffled voice.

"If you want to mark me then just say the words, cariño. You know I'm all yours now," Lorenzo paused. "I've been all yours for a while."

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