Chapter 13

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The day went on normal. Reese stopped leveling cards in your locker which made you feel semi-happy. Maybe Reese was getting over you.

As you and Hazel walked through the gates a little demon patched onto your side. 'Oh god kill me now.'

"(Y/n) how are you? I'm sooo sorry to hear about your brother." Jasper nuzzled into your hair. "Anyway! Want to go to a cafe and get (f/d)?"

"No. I'm not going anywhere with you. Wait a second" You paused. "How do you know my favorite drink?"

"I have my ways! Let's go!" He grabbed your hand and started to drag you.

"Hey! Sorry Jasper but (Y/n) and I already have plans." Hazel stopped him.

"But you hang out with her every dayyy can't I just have a few hours with her to myself!" He whined.

'I can not describe how much I want to take a knife and slit his throat and let him bleed to death.' "I'm not going anywhere with you without Hazel. I know what you did to Alice."

A look of horror washed over his face. "H-how. I made her back her death before she could tell anyone."

'Wait Alice is alive?!?! No, she can't be. She's dead.' Your eyes traveled away from his. This was too much to take in. Until they landed on someone that you hated. Your mother. That's when you made the mistake. Her sense of when someones looking at is amazing.

She started walking over instantly. "(Y/n) where were you last night? I was worried sick!" She hugged you. 'Well, that's one thing I never expected her to do.' "Young man. Get away from my daughter. You are clearly making her uncomfortable." She gave Jasper that scary mom look.

He backed away like a scared puppy before running off. It took all your self-control to not burst out laughing. "Wait a second, why are you being so nice to me?"

"Believe it or not I actually have a soul. When I see my daughter get hurt I feel bad. I went to apologize for your father's actions but you had already left."

"He can apologize for his actions. I will never understand how a woman like you ended up marrying a man like that. I'm surprised you haven't divorced him yet."

"Want to know a secret? I planned on divorcing him after you and Nate moved out.  I just wanted you to have together parents." She smiled. "Your father didn't even stay for his funeral he's already booked another flight back to Europe after last night."

You smiled with her. It's nice to know that you're not the only one that hates your father. You also never knew your mother was such a great actor. "It doesn't seem like you need me." Hazel backed away. She was your backup plan if something was to go wrong.

"I think you have good friends if they're willing to let you stay over at such short notice." Your mother started walking back to the car. You followed her and got into the car mentally preparing to face your father.

Ignorance Yandere!boys x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now