Chapter 7

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Your admirer somehow survived and Nate somehow dragged you to a party. Now you're standing around on your phone trying to ignore the blasting music and the smell of alcohol. Nate was somewhere. Probably having fun.

"(Y/n). I didn't expect to see you here." Alexa's voice draws your attention.

"Nate dragged me over here. I hate it here already." You sighed. She nodded and grabbed your hand. She led you to a balcony.

"I usually come out here when I need a breather. This is one of my friend's houses." She took in a breath. The gentle evening wind brushed your (s/t) skin. "I'll tell Nate you're out here in case he needs you."

With that Alexa left you alone. You watched the trees sway in the wind as their fragile leaves fell. Fall was one of your favorite seasons. It was cool but not too cold. Plus, the leaves falling add a nice feeling. Soon the snow would come after the leaves.

You let your mind wander. As a voice drew you back to reality.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A feminine voice behind you said.

You turned around and saw someone you didn't know. Her black hair reached her shoulders and her golden eye shone.

"It is. I'm (Y/n)." You introduced yourself. She smiled and handed you and note along with a card.

"I'm Hazel. Someone tasked me with giving this to you." the card she gave you was a jack of hearts.

49 cards left

'Another one? Yesterday I got ten of hearts. Now a jack?' You groaned and opened the note. My dear
(Y/n). Stop being a jackass and accept my love! Yours truly KRK 'This one is aggressive. I'm just going to.'

You ripped up the note and sprinkled it from the balcony. "Who gave you the note?" You asked.

"It was a puppet. I don't know her name." She glanced at the card. "How many until a full deck?"

"I think 49. I'm not counting the jokers. It might stop with they run out of heart cards if I had to guess." 'If a puppet gave this to her. What if the first K meant king? King Reese Katz.'

"So why are you here?" Hazel asked.

"Brother dragged me here. What about you?" You looked her in her golden eyes.

"I'm the pity friend. Alexa and her group found out I had no friends, so they made me become friends with them. People still leave me alone." She explained.

"Well, Hazel want to be my non-pity friend?"

She nodded with a smile in her eyes. That night you got a new number on your phone. You and Hazel talked happily for the rest of the night. That night you went to bed happy. You were happy for multiple reasons.

1 you made a friend without Nate bringing them to you
2 you figured out who your admirer was
3 you promised yourself you wouldn't let her turn out like the others.

You were truly happy for the first time in a while. You were happy until you got to school the next day.  You thought your mood couldn't be ruined until a certain set of twins started paying more attention than you would prefer.

Ignorance Yandere!boys x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now