Chapter 8

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"If Mom and Dad want to call themselves our parents then they need to be with us more often. They've been on this work trip for a year!" Nate ranted.

"Yes they are gone for long periods, but their job pays them well. They just send us the money for a week and we get by. Don't forget those vacations they send us on when they do come back." Even though it's annoying that they leave us behind. You don't mind it sometimes.

Nate rolled his eyes as he stopped himself from saying something that would get him punched in the face. As you turned into the school you see two heads of golden blonde hair approaching. You ignored them hoping that they weren't coming towards you.

Unfortunately, you only have luck with cards.

"Mind if we walk with you two?" Leo asked.

You and Nate both say in unison. The twin glance at each other in confusion.

"You can say something like that to someone of higher social status!" Nate's voice lectured.

"When have I ever cared about that? You've known me my whole life and yet your so ignorant."

"I'm the ignorant one? What about in first grade when yo-"

"Don't you dare. That was an accident."

"Yeah like you?"

"At least I'm the favorite."

"How do you know that?"

"I'm smarter than you, how many times have I beat you in a game of cards?"

"That doesn't mean you're the favorite?"

"Dad has literally called you a disappointment when he looked at your report card."

"He didn't mean it."

"That my dear brother is what is called ignorance." You smiled in victory.

"Whatever." He huffed. "Sorry, that we kind of forgot you. Someone is stubborn." He faced the twins

"I'm the stubborn one? You never take no as an answer." You clenched my fist ready to punch him.

"That won't be necessary." Leo intervened.

I glared then rolled my eyes. "There's a reason why I don't like you kings or your puppets. You can walk with my brother but don't expect anything out of me." You start walking off. Nate followed you and of course, the twins did too.

"What's with her?" Theo whispered to Nate. You didn't say anything wanting to hear his answer.

Nate just shrugged until you got your me locker. This time you didn't get anything. "No note today? He should at least apologize for yesterdays." You groaned.

"What's happening?" Leo asked.

"Your fellow king had a crush on her and sent her notes. Last time he called her a jackass for not being in love with him." Nate explained.

"Which one?" These twins just live to butt into other people's business, don't they?

"Nate don't you dare." You glared. He kept his mouth shut since he knows that you will kill him.

The day went on mostly normal. The twins nagged you to tell them whenever you saw them in the hallway. You didn't have a scapegoat because Hazel was sick. The one day you needed her she wasn't there.

After school, Nate had extra classes so you would usually sit on the roof (far away from where Nero jumped) and read or sit on your phone. Nate has been walking you home since he finds this admirer situation suspicious.

You stared into the crowd of students filtering out of the gates. Memory's came flooding back from when you Alice and Nero would sit here and come up with stories for every little group, every little person, everything and everyone. You smiled then remembered tomorrow you were going to visit Nero's grave. You hadn't read Alice's note and thought you could read it there.

You remembered that you had to text Atlas back. You had already told him almost everything he requested. You just needed to tell him about your past. You just decided to tell him you were friends with Nero and nothing much has happened. A weight felt lifted off your shoulders when Atlas didn't ask for anything else.

"I have a question." A voice greeted. You looked up and saw it was one of the twins. It seemed like it was Theo by the way he was fidgeting with his hands. "Why do you hate the kings?"

"I have a list? Promise you won't get offended. That's the last thing I want to deal with today." You glanced at him and he nodded. "First Atlas is rude and entitled, Reese can't understand the meaning of no and thinks he's better because he beat me in a few games of poker, then you and Leo can't get separate personalities it's annoying to see double of the same person then Jasper. Where do I start with him? He's clingy, acts like a child, and doesn't understand boundaries."

"In my defense, I'm trying to get a different personality."

"What's stopping you?" That question froze him. He didn't answer until a few minutes later.


"I can help you. I have all afternoon." You offered. He nodded and smiled. You sent a quick text to Nate saying that he doesn't have to wait and to go home with you.

"You can decide to change your appearance. But what do you like to do?" You interviewed.

"When I'm alone I draw and play games like stardew valley and animal crossing. I can't do this around Leo because we have to have the same interest. He hates games like those." He sighed.

"Girls still like him even though he's an asshole. That's a pretty good actor. Well, can you draw something?" You handed him a sketch pad and a pencil that you kept in your backpack for art. "I want to see your skills."

You watched him draw diligently acting as if the pencil was an extension of his hand. From where you were sitting you couldn't see the full drawing. When he was done he let you see the full picture.

"It's only a rough sketch. If I had more time then it would be better." He rubbed the back of his head.

"What are you talking about? It's amazing!" You inspected the drawing. It was a woman holding a cat.

"Thanks. I saw her in my dreams a year or two ago. She looked like an angel."

For the rest of the afternoon, you taught Theo how to be his own person. You agreed to let him hang out with you and Hazel. He also promised himself to never let himself become a clone of Leo again.

(A/n) This is my favorite chapter so far and the longest. Thank you for the 122 views and 28 votes.

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