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Quote of the day:

"When God tells you to let go of something, that means He has something better coming to replace it."

Tap in if this touched you🤍

"Wick," I hear somebody yell from downstairs. Nardo doesn't move. He's sound asleep. Didn't even budge.

"Nardo, someone downstairs," I whisper, not even touching him. He jumps up and grabs his gun from the night stand and walks to the door. I barely even made a noise so now the Fuck did he hear me?

"Stay," he tells me like I'm some dog. I'm finna act like as cat and not listen. I get up out of the bed, put on my house slippers and follow him outside the room. He turns back and smacks me on my arm. "Get yo ass back in the room."

"Kiss my ass," I say, grabbing his gun and continuing walking. He grabs me by my ponytail and pulls me back into the room.

"I will," he states, grabbing his gun back and closing the door on me. I hear his footsteps go down the stairs. He's such a bitch.

I go back to the door and turn the nob. It doesn't budge.

"You're such a bitch, oh my gosh," I shout as I sit on the bed. I grab my phone and see there's missed calls from my mom. I haven't spoken to her in forever. I call her back and she answers in a heartbeat.

"Hello," she yells into the phone.

"Hi," I respond, in as calm tone.

"Don't fucking hi me Alexandra. You haven't been home in months or even spoken to me. What is wrong with you," she rants and I feel guilty. I really haven't. Not like I really could tho.

"Mama, I'm pregnant," I blurt out, hoping that it would take the base out her voice. It doesn't.

"You're what?!"

"Mama before you freak out-"

"Before? Girl bring your ass here now," she yells into the phone.

"I can't."

"You can't? Girl I will drag you out by your curls-"

"I have locs now," I tell her and she starts cussing.

"Come your ass home."

Gunshots get closer to the door.

"Mom, I love you but I gotta go," I say into the phone.

"Alexandra did I just hear gunshots-"

I hang up and run to the door. I grab onto the nob and shake it screaming Nardo's name. I kick and pull but it doesn't budge. I step back and let tears fall. What the fuck is happening down there? Can I have at least one good day with him? Damn. God just doesn't like me.

The nob begins to turn again and this time it opens, revealing Nardo covered in blood. I rush to his side, locking the door behind me.

"What happened," I ask, checking him for wounds. There are none.

"Nigga got blood on my forces," he says, sucking his teeth. I look at him. He starts to chuckle.

"What happened," I say louder, pulling his arm to the bathroom.

"Don't worry about mama," he says, taking his shirt off. He walks passed me grabbing his phone. He taps and swipes before placing it to his ear. "Yo, Melly. I got something you need to come clean up."

"What happened," I scream frustrated. He keeps the phone to his ear and comes towards me, pulling me buy the boxers I have on.

"Who you getting loud with," he whispers as he grabs my chin.

"Don't beat ha too bad now Wick," I hear Melly chuckle. Nardo smiles, kissing my lips gently.

"I won't," he responds, gripping my butt. "Go back to sleep princess."

"Not until you tell me what-"

"Don't make me say it again Nina!"

"Don't make me leave right now," I sass and push him away, folding my arms.

"Hold on Melly," he says, placing his phone on the vanity counter. He gathers my hair all in one hand and lifts my chin again. He doesn't pull it to where it hurts but only where I feel a little pressure. "Speak up."

I look him dead in the eye and he glares at me, but in a seductive way. "Say what you gotta say Nina. Be brave, baby girl."

"I want to know what happened," I say, quietly.

"Nahh," he chuckles. "Say it with that tone you just had."

"I want to know what happened, Baby," I say, trying to remove his hand from my head. "Please let go."

"You gonna leave me Nina?"

"No," I say not knowing if I would or not. I don't think I can but I need to, even if it's just for a day.

"So why would you say that," he asks, letting go and placing his hand on the back of my thigh. "Why would you hurt me like that?"

"I'm sorry," I say, letting him pull me closer. He leans down and kisses me.

"You sorry," he repeats, biting my lip.

"Yes," I say nodding.

"Show me how sorry you are," he whispers, kissing down my neck.

"I'm sore," I tell him and he pulls back. He walks over to the tub and turns it on. He grabs some bubble bath and epson salt and start pouring them in the water. He comes and sits me on the counter, removing my pants and bra. He starts to suck on my neck, leaving a bright red mark on it.

"That's okay. Just go relax mama," he tells me, bending over a little. He spreads my legs open and puts his face closer to my area. His tongue moves across my clit and I let out a loud moan. My phone makes a loud noise, ruining the moment.

"Who is that," he asks.

"Probably my mom. She wants to see me," I tell him as he brings my phone to me.

"Talk to her so she stops worrying. Ion need 12 on my ass," he tells me, lifting me and placing me in the tub.

I answer the phone.


"Alex are you okay?"

"Yes mama I'm fine," I tell her as Nardo gets undressed and joins me in the tub.

"Scoot over a lil bit," he tells me.

"Who was that? Did I hear gunshots earlier? What do you mean you're pregnant?!"

"Mom we were watching a movie," I say, as nardo chuckles to himself.

"Your brother's been asking about you," she tells me.

"My brother?"

"Yeah, DeSean stays with me now. "

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