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Tap in if you ready for these next chapters to piss you off😭

"Wait," I call out to the doctor. He turns around and his face seems so familiar.

"Yes," he asks.

"What happened?"

"Head on collision. Both drivers weren't paying attention," he explains.

"Am I injured?"

"Rib fractures, conclusion, leg injury. You've been shot before," he asks. I look at him confused, not remembering any of it. "There was no police report filed for that, I'm gonna have to check it out. Matter of fact."

The doctor pauses and steps out the door. He returns with a bigger man, whose dressed in a police suit. His hair is in braids, and he has tear drop tattoos on his cheekbones. His beard is so dark it looks drawn on.

"Officer Gates will speak to you," he tells me and walks out.

"I'm Kevin," he tells me.

"Alex," I tell him. I remember the doctor calling me that. Or was it from the dream I had? I don't even remember the dream. What the hell is going on? Who the hell am I?

"I know," he chuckles.  Something is off about him. I don't know if it's the way he looks, the sound of his voice, or him in general. But I don't feel safe here at all.

I don't even remember what happened. What car accident? Who was the driver? What was I even doing on the road?

"Let's talk about you getting shot," he says, lifting the blanket off my legs. He grabs my leg by the ankle and I watch him examine the wound. "Nigga got you while you was running huh?"

I shrug my shoulders as he places the blanket back over my legs.

"Youn remember nothing," he asks and I shake my head. "Hopefully your family will spark something."

Just as he says this, the doctor enters the room with a group of people.

"Oh my gosh baby girl," a woman says. She sounds like she's from New York. Her scent is what I notice first, and her fresh lace that's coming up a bit. I wouldn't be surprised, it's hot as hell in here.

"W-who are you," I ask, pulling my hand out of hers.

"Cardi. Youn remember me? Ya sister," she answers loudly. I shake my head as it begins to ache.

"What you did to ha," she says to the doctor. "You put ha on that gas? Whatchu call it?"

"Anesthesia," the doctor responds.

"Yeah that shit," she says. I examine her, and she doesn't look familiar at all. Not the face, body, or style. Maybe I've seen her at a strip club before, cuz that's what her outfit reminds me of. But I don't think I've ever been there. She makes the outfit work for some reason. She could wear this to the red carpet and be on headlines for best dressed. She's just showing a lot more than I ever would. I love that.

"No ma'am, she has amnesia."

"Ain't the what you just said," she responds, placing her hand on my arm.

"No, amnesia is not a medicine. It happened because of the accident. And all of you aren't supposed to be in here, you need to get out," the doctor says. I look back at everybody else that's here. All black, of all shades. Reminds me of the BET awards. They're all dressed up, looking nice. I bet I look like shit.

"Mmcht," one of the guys say, pushing past the doctor. "Baby you okay?"

"Baby," I repeat as a question.

"Youn remember me," he asks. He's tall, dark with waves. His teeth are sparkly white. "Chris? Your fiancé? Where yo ring at?"

He picks my hand up and stares at it. I give him a sadden look. I don't remember at all. He's so fine. How the hell do not remember I'm about to get married to this?

"You was cheating on me," he whispers to me, seemingly as a question. I shake my head no. Why the hell would I cheat on him? If anything, he'd cheat on me. But I don't even know who I am. "You wouldn't remember anyway."

He begins to walk away but I grab his hand. He looks down at me and kisses my head.

"Who are they," I ask, reminding him of the large group around me.

"Mama, you know them,"he says, intertwining our hands. He rubs his thumb against my hand, and I let him do as he pleases. He's my fiancé, and I don't want him to feel neglected. I may not know him but he knows me.

"She really doesn't," the doctor cuts in, frustrated.

"What's up ya ass my nigga," another guy speaks.

"I don't want you all sparking up mental problems. Too much on the mind can surge a seizure, or put her into a coma," the doctors explains. "So get out."

"No thank you, you get the fuck out," another says, laughing along with the others.

"Aye," Officer Gates finally speaks up. "Respect this man, he saved her life."

"And? Nigga ain't Jesus."

"Y'all need some Jesus," officer Gates responds, ready to cuss everybody out.

"Mane," I hear somebody yell out. "Let's just go bruh. Alex, we love you."

"I love you too," I respond, not knowing who the hell any of them was.

"Ight, take Cardi car," Chris tells them and squeezes onto my hand.

"Imma ride with him y'all," she tells them, with a lot of energy. "Doctor, when she gon be free."

"No time soon," he sighs in relief as everybody exists the room, including the officer. Probably going to make sure they leave without stealing anything. "Too many tests and injuries to take care of. She's gonna be here for a while."

"Fuck no you ain't," Chris whispers, sitting in the chair besides me. He gives Cardi a look and she nods her said.

"Doctor," she practically screams, "come with me for a second."

"I have to take blood from-"

She grabs him and drags him out of the room.

Chris begins to unplug wires and lifts me out of the hospital bed. "Stay quiet, don't scream. I'm gonna try my best not to hurt you."

He carries me out the room and instantly I notice the officers looking dead in our direction.

"Hold on tight, baby," Chris whispers, holding me tighter.

"Alex," a voice screams in the distance. "What you doing here folks?"

Chris then just takes off, leaving me wondering who that was and what the hell is going on.

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